@Vegas Golden Knights

Remember that time we tried to trade Dad to a team on his NTC? Looks like maybe there’s more to that story coming to light…

Remember that time we tried to trade Dad to a team on his NTC? Looks like maybe there’s more to that story coming to light…

by NoahtheRed


  1. NoahtheRed

    For folks that missed it, at the 2022 Trade Deadline, we tried to trade Dadonov and a 2nd rounder to the Ducks for Ryan Kesler and John Moore. Turns out, Dad had a 10 team NTC on his contract that included the Ducks…or at least he said he did. The whole thing becomes a big mess because it seems of the three parties involved (Vegas, Ottawa, and Dadonov)…there couldn’t seem to be a concensus on what the status of the NTC was. Vegas understood that there wasn’t an active NTC, Ottawa said he had had one at one point but never submitted his 10 team list (or didn’t update it on time?), and of course Dad said he had one that was valid and legit. Eventually, after a few drinks, the league nullifies the trade to the Ducks and Dad finishes out the 2022 season with us…awkwardly. Of course, we traded him to Montreal during the following summer for Shea Weber. Regardless, the other 31 fanbases react as expected: Vegas is a shitshow organization that doesn’t respect players, etc etc etc.

    Now, a year and a half later, it looks like perhaps not everything was in order at the Ottawa offices….. If it truly is a 1st rounder that’s being forfeited, it sounds like the fuckup is pretty severe. With the also recent news concerning Shane Pinto, I wouldn’t want to be in the Senators front office.

  2. UnhealthyCheesecake

    Wow it’s almost like everyone around Vegas/in the know about the situation rightfully put the blame on Ottawa for a failure to disclose, but it was swept under the rug because “gold team bad”

    Seriously, go back to any of those threads about Dadonov. Go back to the thread where the *NHL* officially said the Sens failed to properly declare Dad’s NTC and were at fault. Every single comment was “yeah I don’t believe it” or “I don’t care, Vegas is still at fault here”

  3. Antichristopher4

    I was a little suprised when no one got punished for this, initially. I figure at worst, if it were truly somehow Vegas’ fault, they’d owe the Ducks something for wasting their time and tying up a player until after trade deadline, but I figured Ottawa, who is almost definitely at fault owed Vegas and the Ducks something.

    If Ottawa was truly this negligent and lied (either intentionally or accidentally) to Vegas about Dadonov’s NTC not being valid, that would greatly increase his trade value. It was pretty clear Vegas had picked him up, hoping they could flip him if players got health (and they did), and this caused a huge fiasco for their cap.

    I figured they didn’t want to punish Ottawa because they didn’t want to decrease the Senators value before selling. Now that they are sold, maybe the NHL will want to pursue punishment?

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