@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Success starts in back

Success for this roster — repeat after me — has to start in the back … just like this.

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  1. I had hoped for a 7 player trade and a coaching change last week. After this shutout of the undefeated Avs, I'm confident we can take the cup in a 5 game SCF series.

  2. One of the best all around games the Pens have played in years. Zohorna set off the entire pace imo. Hunting pucks and hunting lanes, just way too much to let Colorado get comfortable

  3. This is the type of win that is great for the team, the coach and the fans. Now get ready for the senators!

  4. Sure that's how to play smart… But it won't surprise me one bit if they take another 180 against a lesser team and look awful. Need to see this more often before I feel better about this team.

  5. Hockey is a weird game DK. Go from looking like the worst team to a team that shut out a 6-0 Colorado Avalanche team.

  6. That was some of best hockey so far they play a solid 60 minutes they had great energy against a really good team hopefully they can maintain this momentum through the next couple of games

  7. They looked Great on the Ice last night and looked like a Different Team from the Get Go and took it to Colorado.

  8. Great game. Finally something to hang our hats on moving forward this season. First game of the season where I didn't need to turn the TV off at any point in shame. If they can string together a couple more of these and not turn this into a one and done effort simply to prove they can when they feel like it, I'll think they are a legit playoff team again. My only complaint is Geno not being smart with his stick. The tripping call and the high-sticking one was something that didn't have to happen. Smart players have to keep their sticks in control (especially when the official is looking right at you) and if the Av's could have capitalized on any of those unneeded, unsmart penalties, we might not be feeling so good about this game. But hey, I guess that's Geno just being the teams all-time penalty leader, so what's not to like. Guess he wants to make sure that record will never be broken.

  9. Also Drew O'Connor was probably their best forward on the night, at least as good as Eller. He was everywhere doing everything. If he keeps going at this pace, I'd have no issue if he was ever needed to play on the top lines because of injury or just to change things up for a spark.

  10. Definitely the model of what is needed. Team can defend when there is the "want to" and desperation to do so. Jarry looked great. Now let's win 5 in a row and pick up some momentum!

  11. Puck Luck? What I saw last night is the Pens first goal was not of the pretty type we are used to seeing from the Pens …… It bounced around a bit..but it seemed to inspire the Pens and open the flood gates a bit and get the team going. I used to buy into the puck luck stuff…I think there can be a little of that, but teams dont usually get much 'puck luck' when they dont have players around the net where they can jump on pucks bouncing around or the puck goes in off their body or something….The Pens had players around the crease last night…they also had the puck a lot more..and they were actually hitting. I sure hope this is a trend. I think they will be fine, but lets see how they do against a physical team who dumps the puck in and chases and bangs. The Pens tend to do much better at the teams who arent as physical.

  12. Hinostroza and pitlic have been playing well in WBS why don't they just sit Carter and bring one of them in.

  13. J1Q: DK It seems to me that when the Penguins are at their best defensively is when the forwards are backchecking constantly. I feel like the Penguins don't really have any defenseman that are constantly in position to defend plays or box guys out near the goal but rather they seem to rely more on forwards for defense because the defenseman join the rush so much? Do you think it's coaching or just how the defenseman play?

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