@Detroit Red Wings

Sebastian Cossa Leading the Charge! Top Detroit Red Wings Goalie Prospect!

How’s it going fellow Detroit Red Wing’s fans? The Detroit Red Wingswere fortunate enough to draft two prospects in the first round of the 2021 NHL draft! We have talked about Simon Edvinsson, but how is Sebastian Cossa doing?

Take a look to see what we think!

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  1. Holy crap, you have the speed on 100 in that EA game in the background! 😂

    Great video bud, love the channel!!

  2. I trust that Yzerman made the right draft pick with Cossa because we're talking about the same man that drafted Vasilevskiy when he was the Tampa GM

  3. I am Swedish (so I might be slightly biased), but passing on Wallstedt is strange to me. He is one of Sweden's best golie prospect ever AND already plays against men in the world's third best league. Red Wings have drafted really well though, there future defence could very likely have three giants (Seider, Edwinson and Wallinder ) (+ Albert Johansson). That could take them far in a gritty playoff run. All Red Wings fans should rejoice!

  4. Cannot teach size, 6ft6in goalies do not come around much. Steve saw something more with Sebastian than Jesper.
    Some were saying Wallstedt was not as athletic as Askarov, and inefficient when it came to timing rims and handoffs to his defensemen. So apparently Jesper's puck handling needed work. His poke check apparently was non existent, as he would rather keep to a tight post seal than venture out to quickly disrupt a puck carrier's cross-crease passes.
    Blade angle also was rumored to need work.

  5. We all know wallstedt is good i mean the hype is real with kid he has been solid in the NHL and has that carey price vibe with him but cossa my boy cossa the kid to me in the long run will jus be a better goalie than wallstedt i mean wallstedt will take a shorter time ro be nhl ready but a shorter time is gonna be greatness cossa is way more confident and athletic and cossa blade work i mean its rlly good for a tendy his age i mean as of rn wallstedt has better positioning but that could be thought all in cossa has that vasilevsky vibe and too me is gonna be a better all in all tendy that wallstedt

  6. Goalies are a crap shoot. Way to much mental involved so they usually take 10-15 yrs b4 they're elite. Obv they're exceptions

  7. Young Tendy, has Plenty of time to make the pro-level transition. I believe Ozzy went thru some similar waters on his way to the big show. Cossa is young enough to Not to have to worry about the details because he has time to fine tune it all.
    I Believe in Stevie #LGRW

  8. 2022 World Juniors are coming up. It's not final, but I think Cossa will be picked to play for Canada. I'll definitely be watching the Sweden vs Canada game.

  9. Well, Verlander got the CRAP beat out of him in his first ever MLB game and… Yeah, went on to have a pretty good career. I know I'm comparing a pitcher to a goalie but let's face it… Pitchers are kind of like goalies. They play defense all game and rely on others for scoring. They also take the longest to develop.

    Keep in mind Wallstedt and Cossa could BOTH bomb out. We might be sitting here 5 years from now like… Why didn't they take Fabian Lysell?

    That being said, Cossa is a really good prospect. If you want to hit home runs you swing for the fences.

  10. Cossa vs. Wallenstadt? My heart wanted the Swede YET when you look at the draft record of Hakan for the Wings in Sweden and all of Europe it is tough to argue with easily the best Scouts the Wings have let alone in all the NHL. So Hakan must have seen weaknesses either in Wallenstadt's game or technic as well as his ability to take readily to coaching and of course any off ice issues …such as being far too heavy a drinker etc. as could be possible. Whatever the case …what it was Hakan told Yzerman definitely pushed the DRW in favor of Cossa. Long term I sincerely hopes this plays out well. Also remember that there was another large goalie in that draft out the NCAA …I believe at Boston College yet again Yzerman opted for Cossa. As to his first exhibition match it must be readily noted is much easier to score goals in any pick up game in hockey with all players meeting for the 1st time. Defense is best developed over time with plenty of practice and on ice game experience with one's teammates. Personally I do not give those exhibitions much credence and they are truly NHL hype and marketing that I am sure Yzerman and many other GM and coaches would rather not play due the risk of injury to highly prized prospects. Cossa may have been privately told if they score first to simply let it go and put on a good show and play disappointed after. No real game just a monkey show circus. As to Cossa development I hope he plays in Grand Rapids next season with occassion starts in Detroit against traditionally weaker teams like Phoenix or the Sophmore Seattle club. We will see. Go Cossa and #LGRW

  11. Bring him up to Grand rapids next year to speed up his development while we bring up Picard from Grand Rapids to back up Nedylkavich next year

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