@New York Rangers

Can Bryce Young Beat CJ Stroud?

Steve Smith Sr talks about the matchup between the top 2 picks in the 2023 NFL draft. Can Bryce Young beat CJ Stroud? If not, was the draft pick a mistake.


  1. I been saying what are they thinking trading up,,, and nobody else fans,, media were like the panthers are on their way!!! Yeah on their way to a 5 year 4 and 5 win years šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  2. Bryce is a great qb, stroud is going to be great too, but he went to a significantly better situation and nobody mentions that in this debate

  3. we will be alright win or lose just get bryce some protection and some weapons next year šŸ„²

  4. Iā€™m
    Going to give Bryce a chance this is it all on Bryce an why the panthers suck itā€™s a collective part by everybody else what do I mean by that is defensive play calling offensive play calling needs to be nynsc with one another everyone collectively needs to be on the same page then the monotony can end an we can win

  5. I like that Steve played like he was 10 second away from ripping someone's head off, for like, 15 years, and then it turns out he's an incredibly thoughtful, introspective commenter, with tons of experience to share. I wouldnt have picked you for a level head, man!

  6. Bro give him time to get the feel and be more confident and more relaxed on the field I believe heā€™s gonna turn up when that time comes Bryceā€™s name gonna be popping up everywhere watch

  7. If the Panthers had drafted CJ Stroud, they'd be asking the same question right now. The Panthers basically tried to screw over their QB. It really shows with the help he has.

  8. I like Bryce young. He throws a very pretty spiral and I believe if he stays healthy we will be fine.

  9. Iā€™m a panthers fan and I still believe in young I wanted stroud before the draft but I know young is not the problem in Carolina O line and lack of weapons with separation. I believe they will beat Houston. Keep pounding

  10. Give the guy some time, he will develop properly as the Panthers try to get weapons around him in the meantime

  11. Panther fans kept telling me CJ was playing weak defenses after throwing for 300+ yards on them….. meanwhile Bryce is struggling to top 250 yards on weak defenses! LMFAO

  12. Letā€™s stop babysitting this young man. Watch the game on Sunday itā€™s going to show. My teams made the worst decisions in NFL history these last few years starting with Tepper, to C-Mac, to Dj, to Bryce, and now Brian Burns is on the trade block. Weā€™re the laughing stock of the NFLā€¦ AGAIN. But this time thereā€™s no Round 1 pick 1 because we traded that away for Young who canā€™t even produce just a single ā€œgood gameā€ damn the win this kid canā€™t even get a good game. Iā€™m astonished that anyone who watches football would believe that the ā€œplay callingā€ in any shape form or fashion will change all or any of this.

  13. Our last first rnd pick threw for 400 yards first 2 games. They pumped this kid up not us? The clear choice was cj or wait till this draft class. Like Bryce, good kid, iam pulling for him.

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