@Florida Panthers

Ludvig hit on Faksa – Ludvig takes the worst

John Ludvig’s NHL career hasn’t started the way he’d like after this hit with Radek Faksa. It looks like Ludvig takes Faksa’s helmet to the chin and had to leave the game.


  1. Poor kid. I can't imagine what his dad was thinking watching that. Hope he recovers well

  2. Imagine first nhl game and already playing like sid and getting concussions lol knocked himself out

  3. Face hitting the other opponents helmets is never a good outcome it seems, a lot of players seems to get knocked out like that. His right glove seems to have saved him from his face hitting the ice, that would have been extremely bad.

  4. Players don't know how to take or make a hit anymore. This is what happens when you don't let teenagers start hitting till they're 16 now. You're gonna get some kid that's gone through his growth spurt is a man child and then you got this skinny kid.

  5. Ludvig just got a taste of his own medecine. He speed up from his own zone and cut center ice to hit Faksa head-on, knowing he was vulnerable receiving the puck. The probabilities in such situation, that Faksa would have been the one knocked out on the ice, are way much more higher than what happened here.

    Never fun seeing a player got down like this, but in this case, I feel no pity for Ludvig.

  6. 2 out of 5 Troubas. For once, leaving your feet on a charge doesn't end well for the charger. He'll have to learn to LEAD with the helmet like in football…
    I'm getting to the opinion that all this amazing "body armor" we clad our athletes with actually makes the game more dangerous.

  7. If you stopped this play at impact, without knowing the ending, you would think it was a dirty hit. Shoulder to face. Stars dudes head snaps back and everything. And yet Ludvig is the one who gets knocked out lol. Pretty funny. And I'm a Pens fan.

    Also, why does him being a rookie matter?

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