@New Jersey Devils

Taming the Wild – Devils 4, Wild 3

Wooooooooooot another Devils win, another happy Devils Den video! Remember to subscribe if you aren’t already!

by LordVader660

1 Comment

  1. dude holy hell I’m so sick of having this argument idk what it is about Devils fans and their just inbred NEED to defend goalies at all costs but every single stat says its the goaltending NOT the defense. Devils have the 5th lowest scoring chances against in the NHL so far, the best scoring chance for % and the 9th best high danger scoring chance for %. The system is working fine, the team is playing fine, the goaltending HAS NOT BEEN GOOD ENOUGH.

    Now, VV was a lot better tonight vs Minny, he should have had that third goal though. But he was a lot better, hopefully this starts a hot streak for him but if you look back on their start and say “well its the defense not the goalies” you’re just flatly wrong.

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