@Detroit Red Wings

Game Thread: Detroit Red Wings (5-3-1) at New York Islanders (4-2-1) – 30 Oct 2023 – 07:30PM EST

[](/r/detroitredwings)Detroit Red Wings (5-3-1) at [](/r/newyorkislanders)New York Islanders (4-2-1)

# [Link to GameGifs](/r/DetroitRedWings/comments/17jqu4s/game_thread_detroit_red_wings_531_at_new_york/k72nmcu/)

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Time/Link | Tweets updated: 09:03:49AM (updates every 10 seconds)
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by OctoMod


  1. Below is a list of user-submitted clips/gifs

    **Use ‘!GameGif’ in your comment to include your clip below**

    Also, be sure to follow /r/RedWingsGifs (courtesy of /u/PrinceTyke)

    User | Clip
    :—: | :—

  2. atheistinabiblebelt

    Got the first snowfall at my house…somehow I’m taking it as a sign that the wings will crush the Islanders.

  3. LucasRaymondGOAT

    It’s raining, I work with a bunch of smug Bruins fans who know I’m a Wings fan, and I’m also a Giants fan.

    It’d be nice to get a win today.

  4. That We Came As Romans show was great. You can tell they’re definitely missing Kyle from their limited setlist but they sounded awesome.

    Always great to see a good ole metalcore band from Troy, MI! I Prevail has gotta be next for me

  5. Its 730 am, howling wind with rain, 38⁰ and pitch dark outside. It was 79⁰ yesterday at noon… WTF? This is central Texas and tomorrow morning it will get near freezing. Warm me up with wins tonight Lions and Red Wings. LGRW.

  6. elvishblood_24

    Why is discussion of the adamn johnson situation being removed

  7. irishmist24

    u/zze0001 did you see 2023 5th round pick Kevin Bicker’s game winning(?) assist from his knees? It’s on his instagram and I know you post the most stuff about prospects. I like him a lot as a project pick.

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