@Florida Panthers

Radko Gudas OT interference – Tough Call Review

Radko Gudas absolutely interfered with Calle Järnkrok on the overtime goal that eliminated the Leafs. It’s not the reason they lost the series, but it was definitely more than the run of the mill net drive.


  1. Yep, I’m sure some money was made on the goal, the nhl refs are a disgrace to the league, I’d fire them all and bring in refs from international leagues to replace them all. Cleanup the gambling problem at the same time.

  2. Is that even reviewable? I feel like it'd be hard to catch it real time. He was pretty sneaky with it. In real time, it could've looked like it just got caught in the equipment or something, as the closer ref is probably watching Cousins. I'm kind of fine with it being a good goal and just a missed call, it'd be super lame if that was reviewable. This series was lost way before this moment

  3. Gudas pulls the stick hard enough to pull the defender well out of position so that he couldn't make a play on the shooter.

  4. You neglect to point out that Gudas does that in retaliation to Jarnkrok grabbing his stick first. This is very much a savvy play by Gudas recognizing that a forward probably doesn't know how to play that situation and was exposed.

  5. that is not on the referee to see it at the time. The play is too fast. Sheldon Keefe must ask for a review on the play. Toronto has 30 seconds to see that something odd is happening in the play, they should ask for a review. For me, the goal is on Keefe not calling a review.

  6. This is the NHL…the officiating is simply comical…this starts at the top and serious changes have to be made at head office.

  7. the best part is the ref is facing gudas and jarnkrok through the entire play and doesn't call a penalty or even blow it dead at any point! playoff hockey, folks.

  8. The leafs weren't taking the series either way, but they got absolutely destroyed by the zebras out there😂. I think pretty much every team has been significantly disadvantaged by the refereeing this year at one point or another. The dramatic shift downwards in terms of quality officiating is scary. I say make it apart of the refs job to do post game interviews and explain their nonsensical calls

  9. You gotta call that. It's right there in the play, and as you said it's the entire reason that space & time was created to allow him to get that shot off.

    This was hardly the only case of the refs giving leeway to this Panthers team in this series, and, in this seasons playoffs.

    This isn't referees missing calls, either. These are plays reviewed by league offices in Toronto, where they have multiple angles to see everything, but, either turn a blind eye to it, or, make a call that ignores NHL rules and favors the Panthers.

  10. To begin with it's a clear pick, obvious interference resulting in a goal, the grabbing the stick makes it more egregious

  11. Did gudas get away with it? Yes. Did Jarnkrok also grab Gudas's stick? Also yes. So as a finals ref do you cann coincidental minors in the playoffs or do you let it ride?

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