@Ottawa Senators

Ottawa Senators Stripped Of 1st-Round Draft Pick & GM Pierre Dorion Fired! | Instant Analysis

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes the penalty given to the Ottawa Senators in response to their roll in the Evgenii Dadonov trade fiasco. The team was penalized a 1st-Round draft choice and subsequently decided to part ways with GM Pierre Dorion. What does this mean for the future in Ottawa?

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  1. Can someone explain to me how McPhee shouldn't be expected to go to Capfriendly like everyone else? How do I know more about a player's contract status than he does?

  2. I don't understand why Ottawa is getting punished. What's the issue? They didn't tell Vegas every detail od Dadonov's contract? Isn't that something that everyone has access to? Someone please help me undertsand this.

  3. Ottawa's real offense is not being original six for the NHL to wank all over. Looking at you Chicago.

  4. well that was a waste of 9:30 mins, for once steve added nothing, usually he adds so much context but this one was a dud

  5. Chicago gets rewarded Bedard for covering up sexual assault for 10 years..

    Sens GM makes an error and loses 1st round draft pick..

    This tells you all you need to know about the NHL .

  6. So basically, according to the NHL, botching a trade is worse than covering up a sexual assault. Chicago was rewarded for their sins with Bedard. Ottawa is now being forced to blow up their franchise over a bad trade. This definitely makes sense.

  7. Maybe I'm just being salty because I'm a Ducks fan, but it seems Chicago should have had to forfeit a draft pick if this is the punishment for the Sens

  8. Here's what some people don't understand. None of this was on Vegas. Dorion told Vegas that the NTC list was a non-issue because Dadonov didn't submit it in time. Vegas had no reason to believe that the information Dorion provided was untrue. This isn't some shady back alley drug deal.

    However, this punishment makes zero sense. One, it's way too harsh on the Sens. Two, it does nothing to compensate Vegas. Forfeiting some late-round pick to Vegas as an "Oops my bad" would have made more sense.

    Unless, of course, the NHL has some proof that Dorion intentionally mislead Vegas (which I don't think is true).

    Also, Andlauer should be awarded a first round pick for the NHL failing to disclose the two ongoing investigations prior to the sale of the team. 😂

  9. what do i think as a Wings fan? hmm, how do i phrase this… haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. all them Sens fan aint barking so loud now

  10. That's absolutely ridiculous they lost a 1st rounder. I figured a draft pick but not a darn 1st. Thats WAY WAY too harsh

  11. Pierre Dorian is going to be the new GM of the Pittsburgh Penguins tomorrow. Kyle Dubas wants to be a president, not a GM anymore.

  12. Congrats Gary Bettman your baby won the Stanley Cup, thats where your heart is. Screw the Ottawa Senators they arent an American team. They are not a big market. Kick them while they are down so they may never get up.

  13. Chicago covers up sexual assault and gets a fine that means nothing to do owner, but can still pick Bedard… Ottawa's GM sucks at their job and loses a pick. Stay classy NHL.

  14. This penalty only makes sense if the NHL has evidence (or a confession) that Ottawa intentionally kept the No Trade List from Vegas to make that trade happen. If it was just an error, this is too far.

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