@Ottawa Senators

The Future of the Ottawa Senators | Coming in Hot LIVE – November 2

With the time between Pierre Dorion and the Ottawa Senators coming to an official end yesterday; Wally, Yorkie, & Bobby discuss the drastic shift within the Front Office.

The guys will also be taking a look at how the past 24 Hours will be effecting the organization moving forward.

It is once again GAMEDAY! The trio will also be previewing the Ottawa Senators matchup against the LA Kings.

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  1. How solid a guy is Andlauer for personally defending Pinto? “Treat him like he’s your son.”

    Could’ve easily given him the Chris Wideman treatment.

    That’s character and moral fibre that’s long been missing from upper management.

  2. I disagree with Bobby on the GM subject…..I want someone with experience. Ottawa has given too many ppl their first job at the nhl. Especially at the coaching level

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