@Montreal Canadiens

They fixed the faded Habs logo on the Bell Centre

They fixed the faded Habs logo on the Bell Centre

by PhillipThePlatypus


  1. KeepUpTheFPS

    Tell me the habs look at the sub without telling me the habs look at this sub

  2. DCARRI3R3

    I almost wish the bell centre was more arena like. For example football arenas you just know that’s what is played there. Granted I’ve never been to montreal so maybe I’m an idiot

    Just to clarify I’m talking about the outside

  3. holdunpopularopinion

    They repainted the logo, that’s why we are the most valuable team in the league now!

  4. W4ingro1995

    Sorta off topic but is that giant picture of Carey still on the southeast corner of the Bell Centre?

  5. BeBenNova

    They’re the same picture? or is it not supposed to be a before/after? if so what did it look like before?

  6. silversnake84

    I 100% believe that my message I sent was a direct response to this being fixed after the thread was created by u/Kuciv ![img](emote|t5_2r10m|5676)

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