@Vancouver Canucks

J.T. Miller is on pace for a career year

This man is an absolute monster. 16 points in 10 games.

by realheikko


  1. MajorTherapy

    We have at least 4 players on pace for career years

    Edit: I’m counting 7

    Pettersson – 155 points

    Hughes – 131 points

    Miller – 131 points

    Boeser – 65 goals / 106 points

    Hronek – 82 points

    Mikheyev – 65 points

    Demko – 41 wins / .940 sv% / 1.79 gaa

  2. Brodie9jackson

    197 points in 171 games since the 21/22 season. I think people need to reflect back and realize that an over PPG center (albeit 30 years old now), is indeed worth 8m in comparison to a ton of other contracts around the league. As the cap rises, his cap % reduces, and baring a steep drop off in 3-4 years, things are lining up a lot better than if we signed 2 years his junior Horvat at 8.5 over the same time frame

  3. Initial-Ad-5462

    Was widely acknowledged at the time his contract extension was below market value if he went to UFA.

  4. TurbanGhetto

    He’s also been our shutdown center playing against the other teams top line and in most cases his line is the one coming out on top.

  5. Unit_731_Survivor

    I think Miller is being overshadowed by Hughes and Pete. Miller has been a fucking beauty this year.

    His production aside the guy is giving 110 every shift, killing penalties, throwing hits. He is fun to watch, and is a #1 C playing against the toughest opposition.

    He deserves respect from this fanbase. If this team makes a playoff push he is a very large part of that

  6. en_travesti

    Going back and looking at posts on this sub about Miller from 9-12 months ago for that sweet, sweet schadenfreude and sense of vindication.

    It turns out not letting Miller walk to free agency was actually the right call. Who would have guessed?

  7. NerdPunch

    I’ll be candid, I wanted to see the team move on from JT Miller but a lot of that was because of timeline (and maybe overestimating the market value of JT).

    Also, there were questions around whether he was a full-time 1C or just an elite power-winger.

    I was also probably out to lunch thinking they might trade *both* Bo & JT. They absolutely made the right call moving Bo, and holding onto JT though.

  8. BroliasBoesersson

    Bro I think everyone is on pace for a career year rn

  9. The entire team is on pace for a career year. This is the year to trade picks for depth at the trade deadline.

  10. xXDireLegendXx

    He was one of my favorite players when he was with the Rangers. Very underrated too I think. Hope he continues to excel in Vancouver!

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