@Montreal Canadiens

[Grant McCagg] It has crossed my mind in the past week that the Habs might consider sending Slafkovsky to play with his old linemates Dvorsky and Mesar at the WJC in December. Might be the ideal situation to boost his waning confidence. They may prefer that to the AHL…less negativity.

[Grant McCagg] It has crossed my mind in the past week that the Habs might consider sending Slafkovsky to play with his old linemates Dvorsky and Mesar at the WJC in December. Might be the ideal situation to boost his waning confidence. They may prefer that to the AHL…less negativity.

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. Mtlsandman

    Imagine the backlash if he goes and doesn’t dominate. Seems like a recipe for disaster. I’d rather he just go to the AHL rather than play with a bunch of kids again

  2. HabitApprehensive889

    Wjc is a nice way to remind everyone of his age lol.

    The hyperbolic reactions to a kid a who missed a good chunk of development time to covid, then an injury shortened 18 year old season is nuts.

  3. Booboo_McBad

    I wanted him to go last year, exclusively to practice and reinforce his heads-up Hockey. He would have developed more confidence in that area of his game by drilling it at the junior level for just a couple of weeks, in my opinion

  4. What negativity? Did everyone stroke out and forget when Pacioretty followed the same path? Even Subban spent time in the AHL. It’s not a negative, its the proper path.

  5. My guy needs to get away from Anderson if he wants confidence. Or let him play with Suzuki and caufield

  6. bordercauley

    I think this would be big. Give him a chance to produce and use his skill.

  7. Vingt-Quatre

    Ah yes. Less negativity…
    Wait til the Habs have played 30 games and Slaf only has 4 points. You’ll see what real negativity is.

  8. bluAstrid

    Easy fix : Give him quality minutes with a proper centerman, and isolate him from media.

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