@Calgary Flames

I Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse

#nhl #hockey #calgaryflames

The Calgary Flames are a complete mess. We break down how & why their best players (Jonathan Huberdeau) have seemingly lost their ability to play quality NHL Hockey.

Please check out this incredible breakdown on Huberdeau from Vanessa Kezwer of Sportsnet.


  1. Simple. Huberdeau got paid, he is a one dimensional player, he was unhappy when he got traded, got the old "dinosaur" fired and then conveniently forgot how to play hockey. Mission accomplished. Same thing with Kadri.

  2. This is such a stupid way of looking at things. Stop looking at player salaries and start looking at the fucking lecherous cunts that own these teams if you really want someone to blame how fucked the money situation in the league is. Those fuckers take HALF the ENTIRE profits for doing NOTHING. They're just rich assholes getting richer and then fucking over the cities and states/provinces these teams are in by blacking out content and refusing to pay their fair share of property taxes or even lift a finger to make sure their team improves from one year to the next. Cut out the owners. Give the players the biggest share of the pie. I care much less about what a shitty player is making on a "shitty" contract than how much more is just being actively and legally stolen from the people who actually keep the league alive. The league can survive without owners. In fact it will thrive without private ownership because the communities that live in these cities will be financially incentivised to want their teams to do better even if they're not sports fans. the league CANT survive without the players, and there is a problem with getting new players into hockey because it's already an incredibly upper middle class white people sport to play. Private ownership is the problem. Not bad player contracts.

  3. Flames fan here

    I know Huber can be good. But that doesn't change the fact he lost his confidence
    They have moments of cohesion. They have shown they can do stuff, I've seen these flashes in games. But once the pressure is on, they just collapse inwards and forget the system.

    But weirdly enough…that Dallas game showed they can pull it together. Yeah we lost, but we actually put up a decent fight against a really good team so…

    Do I expect Huber to get 100 points this season? No. But do I think they can work through their issues…maybe. But I think they need to accept that maybe…they won't be a Cup team for a bit until they figure out their system, not trying to make the old one work.

  4. When Huberdeau first joined the Flames, he was racking up the assists…and the Flames were winning. But then the media and Sutter criticized him for not scoring goals of his own. So Huberdeau obediently tries to score more and the Flames started to lose, and those same folks were praising his new effort; very weird in my opinion. His ability to feed the puck shouldn't be a liability. I think he is conflicted in trying to make a poor system work versus supporting his line mates that have better scoring chances. I don't blame Huberdeau, to me he looks like he is trying too hard to please the coaches.

  5. If Hockey Psychology, amongst others, can see this and break it down, why do the Flames have trouble seeing it or adjusting their strategy? Surely any one coach can adjust gameplay strategy

  6. He should go play on the farm team to see how he plays. He has played with every forward and he still looks lost. Not a 10 million dollar by any means.

  7. I initially predicted 2 of the following 3 Canadian teams will make the playoffs: Calgary, Ottawa, and Vancouver. Vancouver is looking good, Ottawa so far a little iffy, and Calgary…well, no.. Montreal is a real surprise and am now wondering if I got my prediction wrong.

  8. I always wonder how hard some of these guys work at improving their game. Do they keep hitting the gym daily in the summer, working hard to build/keep their strength and endurance? Or do they just do enough to stay in shape, but spend most of their time drinking beer, golfing and play pick up hockey with the bros twice a week? Some guys are waaay more committed to their craft than others. Which group would Huberdeau fit into?

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