@Pittsburgh Penguins

St. Louis beats Tokarski top-shelf for OT winner

New York Rangers forward Martin St. Louis fires a shot over the glove of Montreal Canadiens goalie Dustin Tokarski into the top corner to win Game 4 in OT.


  1. I remember watching this, in shorts and my callahan jersey. This goal caused my brothers and i to sprint around town with bed sheets and water bottles screaming

  2. This is the goal that immediately came to mind when I heard Montreal had just hired him to be their head coach.

  3. Not to take anything away from St Louis, but any NHL goaltender should stop a shot like that. Tokarski should've had it.

  4. Miss Mike "Doc" Emrick, hands down the best announcer in NHL history. When he worked network he played it right down the middle and knew when to get excited. Never relied on schtick or made the call about himself and had great stories. The Vin Scully of hockey. Want to do that for a living, listen to about 3 hours of Emrick's calls.

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