@National Hockey League

Cozens vs Hathaway

Cozens vs Hathaway

by Instant-Highlights


  1. dsand1987

    Cozens had the spirit but looked like a boy against a man

  2. a_long_time_running

    The difference between a staged fight and real fight. Hathaway was throwing hate in those fists.

  3. internetman666

    Hey give the kid credit. Wish the Leafs had half of this courage to stick up for themselves.

  4. Smittysgreasymullet

    This reminds me of when Hall fought Derek Dorsett. Brutal for the kid.

  5. Proposal_Mountain

    Thank god the refs didn’t step in like last time cozens tried to throw down . Your not that guy pal

  6. no_on_prop_305

    Workhorse got beat but good for him for going

  7. Fun_Courage2933

    I hate Hathaway with my whole being but he is a great fighter

  8. dirigiblejones

    Props to Cozens but the background commentary of “what a fucking idiot” is hilarious

  9. ogfuelbone12

    I know Cozens is young but, chief, that’s Garnet Hathaway; you gotta know. You just gotta know.

  10. likesexonlycheaper

    I don’t think Cozens wanted any of that

  11. Poor cozens. Hathaway got the jump on him and destroyed him.

  12. Lol anyone knocking Hathaway lol

    Cozens crosschecked him after the play. That hate in those punches was because it hurt.
    This is the definition of “F around and find out what happens”.

  13. Should have used some of that hand truck fight in the actual fight.

  14. Express-Lunch8914

    That last punch was purposefully brutal. He wanted nothing to do with that fight

  15. Make4LokoGreatAgain

    Zebras didn’t help Cozens at all at the beginning but he was out of his weight class

  16. darter_analyst

    Well yeah

    Gotta pick ya fights

    When you a chihuahua maybe just don’t take on a pit bull

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