@National Hockey League

Poll: Should NHL President Gary Bettman step down for not telling Landauer about the Dadonov violation?

News continues to swirl around the Ottawa Senators this week as long-time General Manager Pierre Dorion was fired for an administration mistake resulting in negligence around the trade of Evgenii Dadonov to the Los Vegas Golden Knights.

The NHL decided to charge the Ottawa Senators a first-round draft pick as a result, a very steep price to pay for an admin error. The Senators forgot to send Los Vegas Dadonov’s no trade clause when he was traded. Which, as Andlauer says, made the NHL look foolish when the news came out.

At the same time the NHL didn’t reveal to Mr. Andlauer how serious the offence was when he was doing his due-diligence to buy the team earlier this year. So, we ask… Should NHL President Gary Bettman be turfed from his job as former Sens GM Pierre Dorion was this week for omitting information for potential benefit? [](

by OGradaigh


  1. gilbertusalbaans

    I think he should be suspended for 42 games, and give up a first round pick

  2. SovietHockeyFan

    No. There are far more compelling reasons tbh

  3. Deraj2004

    The investigation and punishment shouldn’t have taken a year and a half in the first place.

    It feels like Gary and team knew the Melnyks wanted to sell so they decided not to tarnish the product which may have made some potential buyers back out.

    Stepping down wont change anything, doesnt matter who runs the league, they will always do what’s best for business and if what’s best is holding back info that could affect a sale of a franchise they will always do it and gladly deal with the short term backlash.

  4. KFBR392293

    You had me at should NHL president Gary Bettman step down

  5. Hottawa210

    I hate Gary as much as the next guy but this isn’t on him. Ottawa fucked up under previous leadership, and now they have to pay the price.

  6. JiveChicken00

    I’ll take things that won’t happen for $400, Alex 🙂

  7. The timeline proves the NHL hid the Pinto investigation from prospective buyers, and I can’t quite understand why the Dadonov investigation took 18 months and conspicuously didn’t get flagged during the same process. It’s a fucking terrible look on the NHL.

    Sens players ops was clearly negligent by withholding the NT list. But the league withheld information from prospective buyers, for… reasons?

    So yeah fuck Bettman on this one.

  8. DismalYoghurt233

    Have you watched the Andlauer press conference?

    He did know “as part of the due dilligence that was needed during the sale” but was told a first round pick doesn’t effect the sale in anyway…or something along those lines. So it was accept it or don’t buy the team for Andlauer

  9. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    Bettman should step down for literal tons of reasons. This is the tip of the iceberg of shit that Bettman has done. Scummy piece of shit.

  10. Strypes4686

    If the man didn’t step down after three fucking lockouts he won’t do shit after this.

  11. fdisfragameosoldiers

    He’s not going anywhere. Fans can’t stand him and that makes the owners love him cuz we’re not focusing on them. He’s ultimately their mouthpiece.

  12. “Should Gary Bettman step down for getting the owners an additional $150 million?”

  13. Pucks_N_Fucks

    He’ll just do a 30 min presser making excuses and smacking his lips

  14. No. But he should step down for the countless other hockey atrocities that he’s committed. The lockouts alone are inexcusable

  15. fromTheskya

    i think gary bettman should eat an unboiled egg without chewing

  16. HockeyBabble

    >Should NHL President Gary Bettman step down for not telling Landauer about the Dadonov violation?

    No, I’m sure other staffers should have done that.

    >Should NHL President Gary Bettman step down ~~for not telling Landauer about the Dadonov violation?~~


  17. MarshtompNerd

    Yes, gary bettman should step down. No I didn’t read what you wrote after that

  18. Lancelot_Stroller

    I love this situation. Usually, any complaints about Bettman go nowhere. He’s the commissioner. What is anyone going to do? But it’s totally different when an owner is pissed. Bettman works for the owners. If one is pissed at him thats significant.

  19. NorthboundUrsine

    >a very steep price to pay for an admin error.

    Was it an admin error, or was it a deliberate attempt to inflate Dadonov’s trade value?

    If it wasn’t deliberate, it was negligent. And negligence isn’t much better than fraud.

    Here’s why these kinds of things have to be strictly enforced and violations heavily sanction; let’s take fan emotion out of it. Shall we?

    Let’s all agree that hockey, like all professional sports, is a business. Fans want their team to win championships. Franchise owners want to maximize profit.

    Let’s think back to that season for the Golden Knights. That season was dreadful, injuries really fucked up their place in the standings. But they only just barely missed out on a playoff spot. And the one roster move they attempted to make in hopes of improving their chances of making the post-season hot voided. Let’s put aside the question of whether this was deliberate or negligent for now. Let’s just agree that it happened.

    Every franchise uses analytics. And if analytics didn’t show that the roster transaction Vegas wanted would be more productive they probably wouldnt have bothered. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that this marginal improvement could have made the difference in Vegas making the post-season or not.

    I’m not going to claim that Vegas would have won the cup, that would be absurd. But let’s say they did make the postseason if they could have made that roster move. They would have at least had two playoff games at home, which is a huge amount of revenue, as well as the money from TV deals. Vegas likely lost millions of dollars. Whether it was deliberate or negligent doesn’t change that.

    This is why the league absolutely had to severely sanction Ottawa. If the consequences were not severe, it would make the league itself complicit in the damage done to the franchise. Fraudulent or negligent doesn’t matter. A franchise stands to lose millions of dollars, and the league has the power to make the consequences of either fraudulent or negligent actions so severe that no team would risk either vector. If they do not make the penalty for this severe, deliberate, or otherwise, they face a tremendous liability.

    Sorry for the long post, but I hope I adequately expressed why the leagues sanction had to be while divorcing myself from a romantic affection for one particular team.

  20. Unless it relates to salary cap Gary shouldn’t interfere in trades.

  21. PointMeInADirection

    He should step down over his handling of the sexual abuse coverup in Chicago. His handling of the pride tape debacle and now the Ottawa trade are just the icing and cherry on top.

  22. Sammybeaver88

    I feel like there’s more Bettman should step down for than that…

  23. mister_hoot

    Bettman is the extension of the owners’ will. Sure, you can put him out to pasture, but he’ll just get replaced by some other gelatinous blob of a human being to be the owners’ new puppet, and nothing will change.

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