@National Hockey League

Childhood trauma acquired

Childhood trauma acquired

by hektorinator


  1. Alextryingforgrate

    So tell me when you started to have trust issues…

  2. Tucker897

    Villian arc. Watch when the sharks are good again and he’s older he’ll show back up with a sign talking about this particular moment. And it’ll be wholesome as fuck.

  3. It’s okay Timmie, they just need to convert a touchdown for two points.

  4. At least he’ll remember this game for the rest of his life.

  5. Potvin_Sucks

    Sharks should definitely treat them to another game.

    Maybe not this season though… maybe not this team either…

  6. Aaahahahaha, this post caught me off guard. Thank you for the laughs

  7. wanderButNotLost2

    This just proved to him that he too, can make the NHL. Lookout for this kid in the 2034 draft.

  8. Marduke8329

    And then the Sharks scored 11 in the 3rd and win 🤣 🤣 🤣

  9. Unlikely-Minute8216

    Thanks a lot Doug Wilson! Kid has no chance at life now.

  10. Additional_Degree962

    I hope they give that kid a couple more tickets. What an embarassing performance

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