@National Hockey League

Wayne Gretzky weighs in on NHL neck guard mandates: ‘They should grandfather it in’

Wayne Gretzky weighs in on NHL neck guard mandates: ‘They should grandfather it in’

by bholmyard


  1. NYRanger4life

    Honestly why not just leave it up to the players. I don’t get these mandates one way or another.

  2. WhenTheFunStops89

    My only concern is that I’m not sure the neck guard will be an end all solution to the potential problem. They can only protect against being sliced but you’re still in danger when it comes to puncture. In the tragic case of Adam Johnson I’m not sure he would have lived with a neckguard on because that skate came in with a lot of force.

    Players playing safe and realizing one sloppy/careless play on their end could end another player’s career or far worse. It really hurts now to see players fall hard on the ice.

  3. When they made visors mandatory the majority of players were already wearing them. I wonder if in the case of neck guards it will be a similar situation.

  4. Motor-Post-8845

    It doesn’t solve anything but does reduce risk . I’m sure the insurance would like it .

  5. Suspicious-Cap-6169

    I find this so interesting. In pretty much every other industry, when new safety rules or PPE are introduced, it is mandatory for all workers, no exceptions. Not in pro sports though.

  6. Ilkley_dipper

    I’m not sure why you would not opt to have one, that said I think freedom of choice should be provided for

  7. Noahtuesday123

    These kind of articles should be banned. Like seriously Reddit what are you thinking?

  8. Noahtuesday123

    These guys still play without cages…it’s called Marketing!

  9. I wouldn’t just because if a rookie plays a ‘Thornton-esque” amount of years that’s an awfully large window where this could happen again and the NHL is already unpopular enough amongst the general public that it cant afford the bad publicity and to lose any casual fans as a result.

    Otherwise I’m with the idea (in theory) as it seems practical on the surface.

  10. ManiacalMooseMan

    From the dude who wore a piece of thin plastic has a helmet well into the modern era…….

  11. s0ciety_a5under

    It’d be better if there wasn’t a pay wall.

  12. I know this was instituted the same way for helmets. But I just recently learned that it took 11 years after Masterton’s death before it was implemented. That surprised me because he is often cited as the reason why players wore helmets afterwards, but no real major effect took place until the NHL mandated it.

    Unless the league enforces neck guards I just don’t see players wearing it.

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