@National Hockey League

Only one thing can save Edmonton

Only one thing can save Edmonton

by Instant-Highlights


  1. True, playing Calgary is definitely a significant boost for the Oilers.

  2. Encyprius

    I was expecting the Goldberg one. This, this is better

  3. PaleAdagio3377

    He brought so much swag, like Hendricks when he left, we lost a big locker room presence. His puck handling skills completely underrated as well.

  4. Normal_Tip7228

    As a sharks fan, I can sh*t on teams that suck, and the oilers suck this year.

  5. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Lmfao well it can’t hurt at this point 🀣

  6. ReSpekMyAuthoriitaaa

    I’m just coming back to hockey plz explain. Is he an up and commer?

  7. Past_Gur_3785

    Time to throw and break some sticks!

  8. Whatupwidat

    “Here comes Calgary with the STEEL CHAIR!

  9. UncleRicosArm

    They need Shorsey, great dressing room guy.

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