@Colorado Avalanche

Makar injured by Okposo – Have your say!

Cale Makar missed some time this game but did return to the third period after going hard into the boards during this play involving Kyle Okposo. There was no call on the play. Nathan MacKinnon got a misconduct penalty for arguing the call again even after the next commercial break. Did Okposo push him in or did Makar lose an edge? Have your say!


  1. It was a freak play. If a superstar wasn’t injured on the play no one would say anything. That type of contact is so mild and common through a game. Okposo is the furthest thing from a dirty player

  2. Looks to me like Okposo used his forearm to brace, not push. Just seems to me like an unfortunate outcome of a non-malicious play. No call required.

  3. It looks to me like Okposo is going in hard while Cale Makar slows up and tries to shield with his body. Kyle Okposo ends up in a bad spot because he has nowhere to go and is moving much faster than Makar. I think this gets much worse for Makar if Okposo touches him higher up on the back potentially sending him head first into the boards or if their feet get tangled up and they pile into the boards. This isnt a dirty or malicious hit but I wouldnt have a problem with a 2 minute boarding being called. Any more than that is penalizing for the injury and not the play itself.

  4. Just fyi, no-touch icing was introduced to get rid of cheap shots of possible career ending injuries exactly like this. So how can anyone say this is just a push or accident?

  5. Consider the source. Kyle Okposo has never tried to scum anyone in his career. This was incidental contact at best.

  6. He barely touched him honestly, his arm didn't even extend, Makar knew he was there and just kinda went in slow trying to get in way and looks like he lost his right leg

  7. Just thoughts from a player and coach for over 40 years. While I am a HUGE Avs fan, the player/coach side looks at this play and wished Cale had skated hard to the puck. He slowed and allowed the other player to catch up. Had he skated hard, keeping the space between him and the other player, there would have been a collision but not one which saw Makar awkwardly run into the boards. If I were Bednar, my message would be "Don't let up on the play".

  8. By Makar's own admission, post-game, he should have been going faster and it was probably just a lost edge that made it an awkward fall. From Okposo's side he said he was going for a stick lift and afterwards went to talk to Makar because of the ugly result. No one is going to sell me that Okposo is a dirty player or that that was an intentional push into the boards. As for a penalty? Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on who's wearing the orange armband at that moment

  9. Looks like Cale tried to slow down but Okposo kept the pressure on and in doing so, got bumped by Okposo unwilling to slow down and lost an edge at the same time, with the pressure. Just an accident that happened. Looked like maybe Okposo was trying a hit had Makar not slipped there.

  10. Makar let up a bit. Contact looked legal to me. Okposo has a long career without of shred of evidence of him being dirty. Unfortunate circumstance here

  11. Okposo”s presence and his stock did trip up Makar. Nothing on purpose or intentional it appears. He was going for the puck. Maybe a boarding or tripping penalty due the circumstances but that’s all

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