@Philadelphia Flyers

Nelson Agholor helps DeVante Parker get medical attention after getting concussed

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  1. Not the same sport, but rather Rugby, and I noticed one player went down from the home team, and it was a player from the opposing team, actually stopped his participation in the play and helped the player into the recovery position, still on the field (They were both members of the national team together but on different club sides). His comment to the media about doing what he did was that why wouldn't you do something, it is simple courtesy.

  2. When will the players' families realise that no-one in the NFL system cares about the players' health.

  3. You can see others (and hear the commentators) being concerned but major props to Nelson for stepping up and taking decisive action.

  4. That's just a solid guy right there. Not only a good teammate but a damn good person. 👍👍

  5. Player looks like he downed a bottle of bourbon…
    "yeah let's see if that is a catch, what do you think, guy who talks about rules?"

  6. The Patriots are like the Cowboys and Yankees. I hate them. But this act of humanity supercedes the teams in my mind. Huge respect for a player that aware and willing to step up and take action to prevent further injury his teammate. Props

  7. Their medical staff should have asked for the game to be halted after the initial hit when he was stumbling to get to his feet. Concussion protocol in all sports is paramount. These athletes are risking their health for our entertainment after all.

  8. NFL should give Nelson Aghelor a bonus for this. Good behavior, especially when it could save someone from a serious injury, should not go unrewarded. If they're gonna fine players for bad behavior, then it makes sense to reward them for the good.

  9. so can we get some improvements to the helmet technology or design or neck protection or all of the above? I've seen quite a few hits to the side area of the helmets that has been concussing/knocking players out (around the temple/ear/jaw).

  10. Agholor has spent his career getting ripped on for dropped passes, but as a Raider fan who was lucky enough to watch and listen to him on a weekly basis for a bit, he is an absolute gem of a human being. This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

  11. We’ve come to the point where asking for a concussion evaluation is a highlight. Great job NFL, you’ve officially ruined the game.

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