@Edmonton Oilers

Just having fun on Men’s League Sweaters

If you use your imagination, the side stripes could be an Oil Derek. I know the Ducks aren’t popular here (f**k Pronger, f**k Kesler) but would fans asking for something different consider a radical redesign like this? Commence trash talk.

by DiPrimaZen


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  2. EvanderKurri

    That shade of yellow/copper, whatever it is … gross.

  3. Mr_FortySeven

    > Oil Derek

    Hey, that isn’t a Derek Ryan jersey!

  4. jordanrhys

    I like the concept, the gold is bad. Maybe try switching the orange and gold and going with blue pants with gold stripes. And a solid shoulder cap in white. Also take away the side tapes and do normal stripes around the bottom

  5. TheDudeMachine

    These would be pretty sick if the old gold was changed to copper. Keep the breezers navy with copper stripes down the sides and I think you have a winner.

  6. BackgroundMango4200

    Actually looks really nice! I am a fan of the brown pants as well

  7. love_gun69

    I think if the team adopted these Jerseys we’d finally feel confident enough to win some hockey games. Jesus Christ

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