@Vancouver Canucks

The Edmonton Oilers Are Broken

#nhl #hockey #edmontonoilers

The Edmonton Oilers are a disaster. We break down the goaltending, their defensive structure, Connor McDavid/offence & much more.

Justin Bourne Sportsnet Article on Oilers Defensive System:


  1. Cup or bust wasn’t meant to be taken literal guys! Lol It’s just a mantra or saying! If the Oilers could somehow find a way to trick the Predators, give them Campbell, Nurse (maybe not them with the contracts they have) and Skinner, and a bunch other players, and a bunch of draft picks. All For Josi and Saros, they’d be so deadly imo. Saros with a pulled up Condor goaltender would be leagues better than the tandem they have now. But lol that’s some Chel franchise mode shit lol and they’d be skrewed long term and they don’t have the $$ rn anyway

  2. #4 on Trending! I found your channel over the off-season and the quality of your content stood out. Your knowledge of the game and the effort you put into these videos is impressive. Another great breakdown! Thank you for growing the game of ice hockey on YouTube!

  3. i played with mcdavid as a kid he's from my hometown and grew up with him. he was super competitive, obviously, but i remember being 7 years old and we'd all joke around on the bench while his eyes are focused on the play at all times. he wants to win more than anything and being on this team would destroy his mental health probably lol… come to toronto mcdavid!!, actually maybe not cause it's already too much for tickets!!

  4. It should be obvious to everyone at this point that they are hunting next year's draft hoping to pick up a goalie and unless my sources are wrong. word is they'll be looking to trade Campbell and woodchuck for half a bag of pucks don't quote me

  5. 2 more years and McD and the German are GONEZEE…. and the Oil will become an NHL 3rd world destination like Winterpeg, Columbus, Buf-blows, and Cow-town…
    In 2 years McD zero cups
    In 2yrs Oil zero cups (in the current era)
    These boys will pull up stakes and end up with the Rangers, Leafs, or maybe Tampa

  6. the goalies suck, its the same in toronto but the leafs have way more scoring threats than edmonton if you don't believe me just run the numbers and look no further than 1 day ago when the leafs beat tampa bay 6-5

  7. It's sad Connor McDavid is sharing some of the same issues with the franchise they play for as Mike Trout does.

  8. i knew they wouldnt do shit. happens every year in playoffs where they get exposed. fuck those guys i hope they never make a playoff again.

  9. Gifted all those high draft picks, they deserve all the failure and misery dumped on that crap stain of an organization.

  10. Blaming the goalies has been an excuse for Edmonton for way too long. Waiving Campbell let the whole team off the hook. The first goal against was deflected in by a teammate. Not the goalie’s fault. But goaltenders do melt down when they know they can’t rely on the team in front of them.

  11. one of the key aspect people forgot too is you can't be a 2 man team forever others teams improve watch video and learn how to defend your style of play, also with more and more young guns entering the league and skating faster and faster you have to adapt… teams should try to build their team around a Colorado Vegas structure I know it's hard to do because it depends on the draft but still hope the oilers turn it around they can do it

  12. For the past 3 years when everyone has had Oilers As contender ecspecially this year, I have allways disagreed. Understand that you cant win with "2 players" in team Sport on modern era

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