@Colorado Avalanche

Ross Colton Game Misconduct Penalty Against Timo Meier And Boarding Penalty Against Luke Hughes

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. He knew exactly how close Meier was to the the boards, and how vulnerable he was, and he drove him into the boards. This is what examples should be made of. This was Suter on Gretzky at the Canada Cup, for those who have seen video of a time before they were born.

  2. Where's Bobby Probert when you need him Marty McSorely these kids these days wouldn't get away with that shit with those guys on the ice

  3. This was a hockey play. It was shoulder to shoulder. The issue is the league, while trying to protect the players, has become overly soft. This has also taken place in the NFL.

    Hughes is 135lbs which is why he flew like a doll. If he wasn’t the size of 16 year old it would not have been of a dramatic of a hit and fall

  4. Woulda been a shame if one of the devils put Makar or MacKinnon through the boards !

  5. Devils need enforcers urgently, but it looks like Gary Bettman’s entertainment is for superstars to protect players, so the enforcers era is pretty seedy

  6. lmao okay the first hit was amazing. The player knew Colton was behind him and let his guard down for some reason, Colton took advantage and punished him to win the race to the puck. The pussification of Hockey is in full stride.

  7. I dont love the interference call, but you take the 2 min, especially with how good the avs PK has been. Dont think he meant to do something that dumb but he's gotta stay more contained next time he takes a penalty. Big ups to Miles Wood scoring a shorty to keep the game close during the 7 minute

  8. When the ref is shaking his head before he announces your penalty, you should know you f'd up. I'm surprised the board was only 2. That was a super dangerous play. I woulda called 5 and 5.

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