@Ottawa Senators

The Shane Pinto Suspension Makes the NHL Look REALLY BAD

Shane Pinto is being suspended for 41 games by NHL for gambling. But the more information comes out, the more suspect this decision appears to be.


  1. The whole relation between sports and gambling is so weird to me, we can promote to fans 24/7 gambling while they watch our product, but you the players cant also participate even if its other leagues, other teams or only betting in favor of your own team/organization ?

    Sports gambling is so rigged that anyone having any form of insider information is banned from it, because they fear anyone but themselves making a profit from the practice.

    Funnily enough, if you pay attention to the wording, Pinto could have bet on season results and the whole statement from the NHL wouldn't have to be modified, because it isn't wagering on specific NHL games.

  2. Only possible thing I can think of that he would get this hige of a suspension for is that he bet on NHL awards. He wouldnt have to bet on games so they could say that he didnt for PR or whatever. Still imo a BS suspension, especially since its an off ice thing.

  3. The irony of suspending him for doing this in his private free time as a private citizen, vs the league knowingly promoting gambling to their child audience.

  4. Weird how no one realizes their are other leagues besides the nhl, all nhl teams have junior teams they can fix.

  5. It's a sick canceling move and proves how bad the control mechanism of society has become. He is welcome to play in Europe. NHL sucks anyway with to many meaningless games just to sell tickets.

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