@Montreal Canadiens

It could always be worse boys

It could always be worse boys

by kavghanistan


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  2. Habsfan_2000

    Don’t touch those two teams. I don’t want playoff loser germs on my beautiful Habs.

  3. Leftover-Lefty

    I get the meme, but I don’t think anybody can say the Habs have been underwhelming so far. I think we’re right on par with expectations, maybe even a little further along than most thought.

  4. jujuboy11

    I don’t think this meme works… the habs were widely expected to be a lottery team by virtually every fan base and analysts, while the other two were expected to be far better than us.

    The habs are on par with the leafs rn in the playoff race and the sens are in the basement for the time being. Out of those three teams the habs are nowhere near underwhelming

  5. shniefersutherland

    The standings are tight as shit at the moment. Looks like 2/3 of the league is between 13-17 points. I think it’s a little early to say what’ll happen of course, but I fear the next couple weeks might start spreading teams a bit.

    Either way, seeing analysts shit on the leafs for having a similar season feels pretty good.

  6. Lurked4EverB4Joining

    Don’t try and put us in the same boat as you guys T & O… Our season is the opposite of underwhelming compared to our expectations!

  7. kingkellam

    Underwhelming? We’re playing way above our heads. We should be down with the Oilers and Sharks in the standings, especially with Dach hurt

  8. Disgusting, I hope you washed your hands after touching them

  9. ScareCrow13-

    Considering we’re in the middle of a rebuild we have a solid season start.

  10. biglacunaire

    Underwhelming? The rebuilding Montreal Canadiens that are still over .500? Are you high?

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