@Calgary Flames

Chat is this real?

Chat is this real?

by Alarmed-dictator


  1. Itwasinin04

    It is Kevin’s real account. Z’s agent was spouting off on Twitter about 20/30 mins before this tweet as well.

  2. YYCGolfer

    If this is true this franchise is beyond repair. Whole thing needs to be burned to the ground and built from the ground up.

  3. NormalDrop561

    I hope this is just his agent being a dick and Z isn’t actually planning to fuck off.

  4. SpitfireFan

    He wants to be here so bad he’s working for an extension.

  5. ScarlettMatt

    Son of a bitch. I really like Zadorov. This is going to be a big hit to our blueline.

  6. oakandbarrel

    Without Zadorov we might he the softest team in the league.

  7. He was dishing out some pretty sharp criticism during the losing streak, would surprise me if he isnt getting along with the guys. I like the guy but I’m still on team tank so if we can sell high I’m all for it.

    I do hate agents pulling this shit. If you want your client to move don’t reduce thw value of his return by making ever gm think they can get him on the cheap.

  8. Winterheadphones

    Zadorov has been one of my favourite flames over the past couple years. Add to that his interview about Russia this summer as well as his willingness to speak openly about the struggles with the team…

    I will be really fucking sad if he leaves.

    Hello darkness my old friend

  9. RealAdamRoth

    Tough. One of the guys who helped turn this ship around. Sounds like he bruised some sensitive egos in the room. He’s a sutter guy and the big tickets in there don’t like that.

  10. baconegg2

    Fuck em. You don’t wanna be here. Move along Russian

  11. I know his agent tweeted about ice time but I’m going to say that I’m over Kevin Weekes.

    Him and his dumb tweets with selfies in random places like the mall or the tire shop. Like just shut up.

    Shut. Up.

    Also please don’t leave us Zaddy.

  12. DangerRanger_21

    If they trade Zadorov and don’t immediately tear it down for a rebuild with other UFAs I’m out lol

  13. Top_Tumbleweed

    Zad is the last player we should deal, but might be one of the only ones with any trade value

  14. super6646

    He’s a #5d and wants #3d money is my guess. Flames are making the right move to sell, we can’t continue digging ourselves a deeper hole just because someone is a heart and soul player. He just isn’t that good

  15. calgarygringo

    He is not a top D to start and he signed a contract and should fullfill it until it runs out. Interest is because he is a big guy plays tough but his play is up and down and has a good $$$ hit so has interest.

  16. bertsheen

    I was really starting to come around on him, seemed to really step up this season when there was a bit of a void in defensive leadership. But if this is true, then fuck em. We’ve been burned too many times about players not wanting to be here, at least he’s willing to make it known.

    The timing of this seems really odd though especially after a game like this, not like we lost 6-1. The team has been playing much better in the last 4 games, I’m surprised this is coming out when he’s been a big part of that improved effort. It’s his agent, and agents are known to cause shit but where’s there’s smoke there’s fire.

    If this is his true feeling, then get him off the team ASAP. Someone who doesn’t want to be here will only go down in value when they don’t give 2 shits about the team they play for. And answer me this, as a hypothetical GM would you want someone who would cut ties with the same team he wanted to be a long-term piece of not even 7 days ago? The whole thing reeks of something weird and abnormal.

    If this aren’t Z’s true feelings then fire that agent. Guy has to play with the same team tomorrow and no matter who said that, it’s gonna be a little off in the room


    Good for him. He’s one of the few players who can confidently say they gave it their all this season and he deserves to play for a contender; I will miss him though =(

    This team is like the Sharks in a lot of ways. Competed for a while, came up short repeatedly, had their cup window slammed shut by a divisional rival, and were subsequently buried under awful contracts and now sit in the basement.

    Time to fully embrace the suck and rebuild proper

  18. That’s a shame, he’s been my favorite player to watch so far this year.

  19. setofonions

    Remember when you guys said Sutter was the problem? Right…

  20. Damn, one of the few whose play I’ve actually really enjoyed this year.

  21. Ziltoid5555

    Fuck off, why not keep this to yourself and give us some fucking leverage in negotiations.

  22. PropofolDreaming

    I would like to see him in Ottawa if we can’t keep him… cause fuck the Leafs.

  23. I wouldn’t blame him. Dude was brought in to bolster the back-end of our D, and is currently out-performing guys who are getting paid more than double his salary and putting in half the effort.

    If I were him, I’d much rather be on a shitty team that at least wants to win, so aside from San Jose (sorry to any stray Sharks fans), that’d make 30 other teams a viable option.

    I’d be heartbroken to lose big Z and I pray this is just a rumor.

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