@Edmonton Oilers

RAW | Jackson, Holland, Knoblauch, Coffey 11.12.23

The Oilers held a press conference at Rogers Place on Sunday afternoon to discuss changes to their coaching staff.


  1. nothing against Knoblauch, but you guys really screwed up… Maximally, you should have taken Holland off the ticket with Woody… but first, to use first Campbell as a scapegoat (and not the goalie coach who's been around for 10 years of bad goal tending), and then to use Woody as another scapegoat… Who put Campbell and Woody in this situation?????? WHO? Shameful.

    Holland should be sipping mohitos in jamaica right now….

  2. Tomorrow's loss is going to be on Holland… I'll gladly eat my words if I'm wrong.

  3. I’m disgusted by this absolute joke of an organisation. Holland is a moron. Woody will end up with a good team and win a cup in a few years, just watch….

  4. I don't think any of the management know what they are doing, unfortunately Coach Woody changed to a more defensive style game apparently but this team has terrible goal tending and poor defence, so why change to defensive style game if you can't keep the puck outta the net. Should have kept the offence first style game Oilers have employed for 30+ years. Holland didn't upgrade the roster over the summer defence wise, so why switch play style. Every goal tender in Edmonton plays terrible, then they get traded or leave and become better, why…. team in front of them, coaching, attitude, ect. Why not fire the Goal Coach too. You hire a new coach with zero NHL experience and Paul Coffey, who doesn't want to coach. He was the advisor to the owner. You can see the mismanagement. You can see the body language of Coffey @ 5:50, he sits arms crossed and leaned away from the other 3 execs, this is not a happy situation and I think there is more happening. If anything Coffey was asked by Katz to be on the bench to gauge what was happening and advise, he was the adviser to the owner, no better way to advise then be in the middle of the action.

  5. Watched Michael Andlauer’s presser last week – wow so impressive – I’ll be cheering for the Sens as of right now!

  6. as much as the oilers have struggled so far, firing a coach that has genuinely kept the team together and thriving for the past (almost) 2 years at such a crucial time was the worst possible decision. this team has been struggling with defence for way too long and until that changes, nothing else will change. bringing in a new coach every year and a half literally will not help ANYTHING.

    i wish woody could still be with the oilers, but i really do hope that kris does some really great things with the oilers. i just hope that the players themselves pick up their games really soon.

  7. You never know what works or doesn't. The only thing I can tell is this Jeff Jackson guy looks really shady. If that is a good thing or a bad thing I am not really sure!

  8. Paul Coffey is a class act. You get the sense he isn't happy about the decision, and doesn't necessarily want to be in the position, but he's still fully committed to the team and willing to do whatever is required. We'll see what Knoblauch is made of in the coming weeks, but regardless Coffey can only be a help to the team.

  9. I agree with what they are saying. They believe they gave Woody the players and he wasn't winning anymore as teams figured out his simple playbook and to save their jobs they had to do this.

  10. Interesting that both Ken and Jeff don't seem to be on the same page when it comes to speaking to player leadership. Jeff shakes his head no, Ken says yes, then Jeff doubles down on no. Granted most of this group is new but they really don't seem to be on the same page. Paul I appreciate that you're pragmatic and transparent. Wishing you all and the Oilers success.

    Woody, thank you.

  11. This is a product of terrible management not accepting their absolute extreme bad decisions, This is not a coaching issue ! So now they hire a coach with absolute zero NHL level experience ? This is by far the worst decisions this organization has made in history. Not only will we witness this season as a complete failure. But this will cause this organization to be the the laughing stock of the entire league for years to come. This is NOT a good look for an NHL team. The season is a bust, looks like the only positive is at this point is another first round draft pick. i lost count so how many first round picks, this will be another failed system ? No playoffs this year and will be a team who qualifies for another first round pick.

  12. They should have kept Woody and fired Holland. All the terrible contracts. Cant even trade most of the players because he gave them all control. Team will never win with these players, this defence and how they play.

  13. 6:36 "I think if you wait another 10 games…" I don't the new coach is the magic bullet to turn it around Ken… you blew it!

  14. Must be a few kiddie's 1️⃣st rodeos…

    He lost the room & part of it’s on him & his staff…it's a TEAM game, afterall! This is a BUSINESS, 1️⃣st & foremost…good coaches lose their jobs all the time, in this scapegoat/millionaire player, tag team game.

    Holland’s trying to buy time, but the players are forcing his hand, from a worst case position of vulnerability. He’s blundered trades/signings & valuable cap space, with time becoming his biggest enemy.

    Nothing seasoned fans don’t already know…not a fanboy/cheerleader, been following them since the WHA, including a Dynasty season ticket.


  15. I can't watch this stuff anymore. I'm tuning out. Show me a .500 record by the end of the year and MAYBE I'll tune back in.
    As for the city, it's become a craphole post-pandemic. I put that on the municipal government, not Holland. I knew it as a winter wonderland in childhood, a place to take part in every winter sport there is. The piles of fluffy white powdery snow, not slush, is what gave Edmonton its special character.

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