@New York Rangers

Zebras took a year to get the call wrong

What are we doing here

by SwimmingSomewhere959


  1. stainedhat

    Quite possibly the single worst call I’ve ever seen and this picture is worth a thousand words as to why. Who paid the refs tonight?

  2. Ok_Mud_3985

    The fact that merzlikins had the audacity to nod his head after that

  3. The worst fucking call i’ve ever seen, i don’t even want to watch the rest of this stupid fucking game. That shit just pissed me off, fuck these refs. These refs need to be investigated because it was clearly a goal.

    Edit: I still watched the game, so glad we won. I was about to take a life

  4. Fattymo721

    Imagine having a job you can botch then have a technology to reverse your botch and still botch it. Must be awesome to never be reprimanded for failing at your job lol

  5. bobby_booch

    They were about to call it a good goal and then remember they can’t make any rulings in favor of the Rangers.

  6. TheImperfectMan

    Fuck the Rangers bias is out there and obvious tonight

  7. UpmostGenius

    People saying the rule is intention to blow the whistle. That puck was in from the second it hit off Elvis. So any puck that hits the goalie can just be blown dead because the ref thought it should be dead. Some language needs to be changed in the rule book, it’s not right

  8. steppebraveheart

    Sports gambling should have never been openly left to the states to legalize. It’s just too easy now.

  9. danglejoose

    it’s not even close to the line. his pad didn’t move that much. I don’t get it

  10. NoeyBalbonzers

    That should 100% be a goal for any team in the league. Absolutely ridiculous. They won’t be held accountable or have to answer for anything.

  11. ZanderFreeman

    Can we take this down, i came close to throwing a remote through my tv once already.

  12. DisasterMonk

    Went back at watched the CBJ broadcast for “fun” and they went almost the whole review without showing this angle. Also that Lavi “probably only had the angle they showed on the jumbotron on his ipad so” — oh yeah you mean the angle where you see it over the blue line?

    Alas, as soon as it went to review … knew how this was gonna end.

  13. SimDaddy14

    You can see it fall behind his skate, in a place that could not physically be on or above the goal line, in the 2nd, low angle they were looking at in the replay cycles. This is truly a fucking mind boggling call.

  14. Strypes4686

    Wings fan who saw this on r/all via r/nhl.


    The rule of thumb is the war room has to see white ice between the puck and the goal line or it’s not definitive thus NO GOAL.


    Or as we in the stands know…. fucking bullshit because the puck is obviously in and anyone with a brain knows this. Rangers got fucked on this one.

  15. Stinky_Fartface

    This was the worst what the absolute fuck. This entire game has been one of the worst officiated games I’ve seen, but that was a crime. These refs should be fired.

  16. gibson531

    I don’t normally get on the refs, but this was embarrassing.

  17. Klipsch89

    Let’s chip in and give all the zebras a ticket on the next Titan submersible trip.

  18. Grouchy-Power-806

    Cbj is pesky af. They’re in the way of all the passes.

  19. the_fett_man

    Didn’t there used to be cameras inside the net? If there was one, it would have been definitive.

  20. PkmnMstr10

    Reason #25097469824 why refs must be subject to postgame press conferences to explain themselves.

  21. NoahBagels

    Gotta be the worst call I’ve ever seen, or definitely up there. The longer they took, I knew they were gonna fuck it up. Screw them, got the two points!

  22. creepingdeath172

    I was at the game tn, absolutely ridiculous but also we won so fuck the stripes

  23. KathyKazza

    This is what we call shitting the bed and rolling in it.

  24. ScreenTricky4257

    That was the worst officiating I’ve seen at MSG, and I was at Wrestlemania X.

  25. If it was called goal on ice it wouldn’t have been over turned, glad they got the w anyway

  26. RemoteConsideration

    I actually feel like the Rangers are getting screwed on calls. I’m obviously biased but wtf! The trouba penalty was lame, defended himself for making a legal hit, the goal call was shocking, and in other games too! The Cuylle “kicked” goal a couple games ago was the least kicked deflection ever…

  27. QuickRelease10

    That felt like they took all that time looking for an excuse not to call it a goal.

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