@Florida Panthers

Nobody saw what Tkachuk did to Connor Bedard RIGHT here…

Connor Bedard got absolutely smoked by Dmitri Kulikov in the Panthers victory over the Chicago Blackhawks. Matthew Tkachuk also can up to Connor Bedard after the hit to have some words and shots.



  1. Was at the game, great back and forth, Bedard is good, but he took a major hit and then, was pretty ineffective for th rest of the game. Message sent. He was jawing at Matty Ice and MT was having none of it. It was going on right in from of me in 132, so check the Amerant Bank set up and you'll see where I was. Bedard was complaining about it and mouthing off to a guy who just led his team to the SCF's. Shut up kid, take the hit and go back to the bench. He's 18 and 170#'s soaking wet with everything he owns on. He needs a serious weight program because now…every western team is going to body him, get a nice 4min minor PP and end Chicago's season before it's even begun. Not playoff team. Panthers are a team. Chicago are the Chicago Bedards and not much else. I wish him well.  

    Seems like a good kid and talented, but he got to Stenlund, not Barkov. Barkov vastly outplayed him when they were on the ice together. That's a real center.

  2. the puck was there and they were against the boards, why can't he check him? bedard shouldnt be worried about drawing a penalty, he should be worried about driving his face into the boards

  3. Bedard scored earlier in the game and acted like a dick staring down the Panthers fans.

  4. Just a guess here but I'm thinking this isn't the first time #98 has been face wiped. Anyone ever catch a WHL game? Bedsie is a hockey player. I did notice him back on his feet in about 2 seconds though. Nice hit. Raise a little fuss to protect your skill guy. Move on… (Kane was maybe 170# as a rook. Gretsky was 180ish. Those guys did ok.)

  5. Thats what bullies do, they pick on people smaller and weaker than them. He was salty they lost the last game and salty bedard scored twice this game

  6. Good check, Berdard's small and he needs to get initiated in the strength of the NHL hits, just a hard lesson, and the team should defend him, he's a small guy

  7. Why bring up female announcer? It’s the Chicago feed so she’s probably bias like the most bias announcer Jack Edwards who has never seen a Bruins penalty he didn’t disagree with.

  8. They actually told guys to take it easy on him for now that's why he been scoring, he is not a physical type and in not sure how they plan to go through playoffs IF they get there this year

  9. Tkachuk has a history of getting involved with an unsuspecting player after a scrum and it’s invariably one of the non combatants. He only gets involved in a scrum when an opponent is already tussling or being held by another player. That way chickensh*t Tkachuk can get some punches in without getting punched back. Zero honor or respect for others.

  10. Bedard showboated a bit after his first goal, that why Chucky did what he did. When you do that in a road arena someone will have a talk with you.

  11. It's the way Bedard bailed on absorbing the hit and he slid down after the impact and struck his chin on the dasher ledge. Clean hit really, but looked worse than it was

  12. Clean check period. Learning moment for Bedard in how not handle trying to squeeze between the wall & a mobile physical NHL D-man.

  13. Marchand had his welcome to the nhl moment with bedard. Why not tkachuk. It’s not like he hurt him. Relax everyone

  14. Pfft, nothing to see, video title is total click bait. Tkachuk mouthing off is his regular mode, young 18 year old getting smoked against the boards is the regular NHL introduction…zzzz

  15. this blog is so bias …really buddy….read the hand book for beginners!!!!
    the player was facing the boards and was clearly hit from behind!!!!
    5 mins and a game!!!!!!

  16. All I know Connor is so damn lucky he didn't play in the 90's and up to 2012ish. I mean you were going to get drilled and no calls. Way worse than this. The NHL has gotten soft. But nothing wrong with the hit at all.

  17. What is going to be funny is when the kid is a superstar and the losers who rough him up are still hacks making hack money with their hack career.

  18. Bedard needs to prep his mind for increasing attentions from 200+ lbrs who wont go easy on him. Tkachuk was very gentle with the young lad.

  19. Like a lot of Russian players wait until your back is turned before a hit, one exception, Ovechkin he will knock you into the seats.

  20. Even funnier was Bedard being introduced to Brad Marchand. You all see that clip? LOL. Welcome to the NHL, Connor Bedard!

  21. he didn't turn away, he was facing the back boards and the check spun him towards the glass and then he pushed him into the boards face first. i have no reason to like this kid because i'm a habs fan but there was no reason for this check except to intimidate. i wonder if kulikov would have run this guy if he was 6' 3" and weighed 220. all kulikov did was choose his spot and bedard happen to be the little guy he chose. i'm glad chicago players stuck up for him.

  22. CLEAN CHECK – THE ICE WAIF WAS AFRAID TO GET HIT SO HE TURNED INTO THE BOARDS. Been playing hockey since the 60s so you young soy types can save it. More of these dancing ice waifs need to be absolutely hammered. They want more dancing ice waifs so they can get broads in the NHL. Don't doubt. They are now coaching and part of practices. this is why I support trannies in women's sports so they can keep getting beaten silly and loosing.

  23. Bedard like all these waifs is soft. He can't take a hit. Think this kid can take the punishment like Theoren Fluery or Brad Marchand ? Not even close!

  24. It was a fair check. He is young and the more mature (physically) will go after him. Remember when McDavid git his collar bone broken. These young guys are not filled out yet. More damage coming especially from the likes of Marchand and Tchachuk.

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