@New York Islanders

Scott Mayfield Is Shaken Up After Hit From Warren Foegele

Uploaded by Alyssa Hope
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Alyssa Hope Twitter: @_alyssa_hope

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. nobody’s expecting hits in the regular season anymore, Mayfield doesn’t reach for that puck in the playoffs

  2. Meh. That didn't look good from Foegle. If you're going to smash someone into the boards, do it without turning your back, don't do it while jumping, and certainly don't do it when their head is in a vulnerable position. Anyone who calls that legal, thank God you're not a player, because you'd be dangerous to everyone on the ice, including yourself.

  3. Initial contact is hip/rear to shoulder, if mayfield doesnt leave himself exposed by lunging for the puck it wouldnt have been as bad, but he does and foegle's momentum carries him to the boards where mayfield's head gets jammed inbetween. Other than the little hop foegle does Its a clean hit if mayfield doesnt leave himself in that position. Thats it.

  4. The responsibility for landing a hit is always on the hitter – Mayfield didn't do himself any favors, but Foegle didn't have to make contact, and certainly not with such force. Avoidable hit & avoidable injury

  5. Mayfield has to do better protecting himself, but Foegele clearly jumps into that hit. 0:39 Can't call that a contact launch because he's in the act of jumping just before contact.

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