@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres Lay A Huge Egg Tonight – Postgame Thoughts

Okay folks, it took me some time to destress from this one tonight..the boys looked average at best as they left UPL to fend for himself in this one..thanks for watching and see you all soon šŸ¦¬
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Well said Wayne šŸ‘.. I'm watching and thinking.. imagine if Roam was the Sabres head coach and this is the speech post game you gave the guys šŸ’Æ

  2. This game wasnā€™t fun to watch. I switched over to Habs-Bruins and saw an exciting game.

  3. Every other team in the league seems to know how to use their instincts except for the Sabes. Whats with these peo hockey players overthinking and forgetting how to make simple hockey plays? Man this is frustrating

  4. It's human nature to find fault and need to assign blame. I'm just confused at this point. More or less the same team as last year and yet we seem even more inconsistent. Idk man, just depressing. I miss the good old days where we called ourselves the hardest-working team in the league. The work ethic is what really pisses me off. No grit and no willingness to go to the net for dirty goals.

  5. The only saving grace is looking at the last November we had 4 wins and ten losses. I have to hope they will start to work for 60 minutes and build some consistency. Play w pride guys!!! I dont want to here we are too skilled to be loosing these games.

  6. The kids are still trying to play 82 games. The roller-coaster is in full effect. Strap in. Don is training the kids to deal with adversity. It wasn't about getting three goals, it was to see how the boys would react, get the experience to correct. We need to get off the playoffs/cup kick. I watch the individual players and compare the next games performance with the mistakes of this game.

  7. I watched the Kings and Dallas games. Their passing and zone entries were tight. They have identities as teams. Same with Winnipeg. Teams that have a game plan, win or lose. We didnā€™t appear to have one tonight.
    Part of it is our youth and focus. Part of it is veteran leadership. Guys who know how to lead who provide stability.
    We have yet to find the key that unifies this group of individuals into a team.
    A good starting point is hating to lose.

  8. My faith in Granato is becoming very fragile. His refusal to change things when its not working and his truly baffling decisions at times are like a high school coach getting everyone some ice. šŸ¤” Buffalo cannot waste another year of development on the youngsters making all the same mistakes they've made for the last few seasons. It's very irritating. šŸ˜”

  9. It's sad that they made a dinosaur team look like harlem globetrotters. My eyes are on the coach. It's obvious that they need a change in the lineup but Donnie is too scared to do so. That's a sign of WEAK coaching. Also, fire the guy who is running their PP. It's depressing to watch.

  10. Buffalo has that uncanny knack for being cowed by teams willing to work hard. The Sabre's have not yet earned the right to lay eggs. At this point, they should be laying waste to mediocre teams like the Pens, the Flyers, etc. UPL, again did his best to keep them in it tonight! Suddenly, goaltending is a non- issue, but something feels off somehow. They keep touting that they're still "young", but the core has been together for 2+ years now. They should be steam-rolling those other teams by now. Obviously, we're still missing the final couple of pieces to the team. I'm sure GM Adams recognizes that fact. Thanks for putting up with my rant…

  11. I am so angry!!! After 42 minutes of the game Tage Thompson played only 10 minutes the same minutes as Okposoā€¦Greenway everyoneā€™s hero was -3 after 42 minutes and led the teamā€™s forwards in icetime, Iā€™m not sure why this coach has his team play a great game the night before and win then change the game plan and lines around, this coach was putting Cozens with Jost and Girgensonsā€¦why was Okposo playing so much?? Why was Okposo playing shifts with Casey Mittelstadt? I was so mad I turned game off after 42 minutes and never looked at the scoreā€¦then late in the game he says ā€œI better increase Tageā€™s icetime so after the game Charlie doesnā€™t question why my Son is playing more. Itā€™s too late when the game is 3-0,4-0.

  12. This team is soft as mink fur, no effort, no hitting, players who suck getting more icetime than star players, I give up! Only thing Iā€™m excited about is Jack Quinn coming back and playing 13 minutes sitting on the bench watching coaches Son play most minutes, maybe Quinn can learn how to score by watching one of the greats of the game Okposo and Greenway play the most minutes after 2 periods. I hope both of those guys get the flu or some bad Chinese food and miss a week of games.

  13. Weird that when I had all these concerns in preseason and early on I was told I was negative lol. I said they didn't look right back then, and they still don't look right now. Something is most definitely wrong here, amd wha5s up with these lines every night? Does Granato use the Sorting Hat to put them together because they are completely random every game and there's absolutely zero chemistry on this team. Nobody knows their roles anymore, or who they are playing with shift to shift let alone game to game.

  14. Sh*t show tonight, almost unwatchable. I knew we were going to get shut out back in the late first.
    Tage is underperforming. Cozens too. And Tuch. Basically 3 of our top 4 players.
    UPL played pretty good, he made some great saves. But I swear he has the worst luck too. That tip in the 3rd off a Sabre. The off the head bank shot. Then that soft goal in the second that killed us.
    The PP is horrible and this coaching staff has little answers. I hope Adams is watching this.

  15. I know there's plenty of time left but someone needs to tell the boys that 41-40-1 isn't going to make the playoffs they need a spark somewhere I will admit that I fell for all the hype now I just record the game a loss is a delete please I'm not a hockey expert I watch āŒš for the entertainment and I'm not being entertained I still have hope however they will get through this funk good health and happiness to everyone

  16. What's up with Krebs? And no real reason given by the team sending Savoie down after one game. Stuff is going on….

  17. We've taken a step back from how we finished last year. Any opponent who plays defensively easily shuts us down. We can't pass. We can't hold onto the puck. We can't get set in the offensive zone.

  18. One way to inject some life into the PP is an addition alot of fans wouldnt like and thats to sign UFA Patrick Kane but for only the rest of this year. At first I was against this idea but im starting to warm up to it now that I see that Savoie isnt NHL ready . He could take Okposso spot on the PP and hes another veteran who has won a couple of Stanley Cups. Question is who's spot does he take ? Does Benson go back to the WHL, Rousek back to Rochester or trade Olofsson (San Jose needs scoring) which would be my choice.
    Adding a couple of veteran forwards hasnt hurt Boston.

  19. The PP is broken and the PK has fallen off the last few games. I am not sure which coach is in charge of special teams, but I'm not liking the coaching decisions. Why oh why is Okposo on the 2nd PP unit?! Inexcusable…

  20. Sabres need to take a page from Major League and any time anyone makes an errant pass to nobody or to the opposing team they need to just start doing push ups. Iā€™m so tired of the TERRIBLE passing.

    And whatā€™s up with the Sabres giving each other piggy back rides? The Sabres were all bunched up all night. Theyā€™d get the puck and thereā€™s another Sabre right next to himā€¦what in the world?

  21. Veteran players are not leading. I'm wondering if there is some division in that locker room. Power gets an $8 mill contract in his second year? Thompson and Cozens have to be a little upset? They looked unintersted in even being on the ice. There is absolutely no desire as a group to grind. Go into the corners and to the net. None. Malkin parked next to UPL and no one touches his. Soft and stupid hockey.

  22. Iā€™ll keep saying it till we all see it. We had a few guys get paid so why bust your ass if it doesnā€™t make any difference. Gotta stop these long term deals.

  23. UPL played fantastic, the second goal he probably shouldā€™ve had but the other two just unlucky. Iā€™m starting to gain confidence in him

  24. This was the same thing that we have watched the Sabres do to their goalies for about 10 years now. Very frustrating, hard to sit there and watch it without screaming at the TV.

  25. I may be remembering wrong, but ALOT of the season last year (except for the losing streaks), at least it felt exciting and there was a possibility of a win – something is really flat this year – at the moment they aren't even the team they were last year. Let's hope they can really get it together,

  26. That game just sucked! Either Granato's system doesn't work or the players aren't willing or able to follow it. And why is Okposo on PP2? Oh well on to the next one.

  27. Wayne , too many guys are not pulling their weight. The most disappointing player on this team this year is COZENS, minimum effort on most nights , not physical ( especially after the beating he took vs the flyers) this should be the time to be a difference maker , instead he has regressed . a seat in the press box might motivate him to work harder . Itā€™s time to shake this team up with a trade for some tough no nonsense players .

  28. Agree on not pulling the goalie when a comeback is impossible to give up freebees.

  29. what is holding this team back, is the idea to keep returning non-core guys that we know by now isnt making this team better… look at the LA with their 4th line, its literally a game changer. buffalo needs that aswell!
    instead we have okposo and girgensons playing empty minutes. and what is krebs purpose on this team. you win hockey games when every roster player serves a purpose.
    this off season was a missed opportunity to make the forward group a more cohesive unit, instead they rehashed the same product that didnt work before..

  30. The last 3 games we have been dominated in our own end and we still got 3 out of 6 pts. I guess that is the silver lining for a tough week that we can forget and move on.

  31. Could have been 7-0. Many shots from 40 feet or more. (players too lazy to skate with the puck and actually make a play)

  32. Whats going on with Krebs? He didnt play against Pittsburgh and in Don Granatos interview after the game he really didnt give a reason why Krebs didnt play . He didnt say he was injured, he said to Paul Hamilton , ill follow up with that later in regards to Peyton Krebs . Is he being traded?? Hope not , if any forward gets traded hopefully its Olofsson .

  33. The coaching is a hack job so far this season. Im not saying fire Donny. But the guy always have the answer's after the fact. How about pre game or during the damn game Donny ?

  34. HI Wayne,
    I really enjoy your videos, I have been a Sabres fan since inception..My dad coached Jim Schoenfeld in the Galt Minor Hockey system, and later my dad and I where able to attend Sabres games when Jim would leave tickets for us at the old Aud. I am very passionate about the Sabres like you's funny when you speak about the Sabres you sound so much like me..We both have seen the Sabres at there best , for me that was 1975 vs the Fluers where they had skill and grit. We just need some more grit, we have Devon Levi, Dahlin, Tuchman Benson Tage we just need more grit. I'm all in at finding replacements for players who won't fo to the blue paint and take there lumps to win..I really like Cozens but I do expect more from the big players like Samuelson and guys that should be giving it back in front of there own nets, like Korab and Playfair and Shoney used ro do. GO sabres

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