
Got hit with a puck, does anyone have the clip?

I was at the Dallas Stars game and got hit with a puck late in the second period. It happened just before Colorado got their first goal. I was hoping someone could help me find a clip of it, or at least figure out how it happened. I spent a few hours in the hospital but I’m all stitched up now.

by free_mustacherides


  1. Starbucks__Lovers

    So your exit is the reason why Dallas lost their mojo? You should get free season tickets for your service

  2. WearingComb1050


    Tell the Stars. I’m sure they’d love to have you back

  3. OldDrumGuy

    What threw me off is your hospital pick must be the mirror of the game one as the location of the cut flipped sides in your head. 😂

    Season tickets for you my friend! Thank you for your sacrifice!😎

  4. That’s an honour you suffered my friend. Cheers mate

  5. NovaPrime15

    “Oh no, I got so much blood on my jersey. Can I get a new one to replace this blood covered one?”

  6. MeowPalace

    Dude love that first pic! Hope someone finds you the clip

  7. sarahmichelef

    Did somebody nearby at least snag the offending puck for you?

  8. CMacDiddio

    Why did you go to the hospital? Surely someone there knows how to stitch you up.

  9. NewUserWorldnews

    Someone should post this to Twitter and @ the Dallas stars PR so they can help him

  10. BenadrylBeer

    Irrational fear of mine. Glad you’re alright! This is why I like the nose bleed seats

  11. TheKrustyTowers

    Cool to see Radko Gudas attending games as a fan.

    In all seriousness, heal up quick!

  12. NicCaliAzn69

    Shoulda wore a cage to your seats. I pay to watch hockey, not the other way around. I’ll sacrifice a little vision for my safety

  13. Maybe next time you can be the first spectator to wear a helmet in the stands….


    Glad you’re OK. That’s always my fear when I’m sitting right up close. I took a puck to my hand last season and it was bruised and tender for 3 days (didn’t hurt though) I don’t trust my reaction time.

  15. C-Notations

    The good news is.. you saw all the best parts of the game by then.

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