@National Hockey League

Is Crosby the best of all time in terms of consistency?

Is Crosby the best of all time in terms of consistency?

by Instant-Highlights


  1. 5599Nalyd

    Definitely at the top considering he’s never had a poor or average season that I can think of.

  2. Far-Two8659

    Not sure how you can say he’s more consistent than Gretzky

  3. diablo4isabore

    I’ve thought this ever since his comeback game post-concussion/vertebrae problems.

    Misses over a year of hockey. Scores an unbelievably sick goal on his second shift, goes on to score another goal and two assists in the same game. Possibly the most memorable game I’ve ever watched.

    Nobody was sure if he would be the same. He was. And still is.

  4. Constant-Squirrel555

    Gretzky only had one season where he wasn’t PPG, he last one and he still scored at a good rate, had 62 pts in 70 games.

    I don’t think Crosby will ever finish below ppg in any season, which just goes to show that after Gretzky and Lemieux, Crosby is the 🐐.

  5. I think of Nick Lidström when I think of consistency. He wasnt called The Perfect Human for nothing!

  6. WheelinAndDealin520

    It makes me mad him and Ovi lost their first year because of dumb lockout crap. I guess not dumb for the cba but yah know.

  7. useless_99

    Best all time in terms of everything and I’ll die on that hill. But specifically consistency? Yeah, absolutely.

  8. WackHeisenBauer

    The fact that both Crosby and Ovechkin (the other mister consistent, this year notwithstanding) started the same year is ridiculous to me

  9. WheelinAndDealin520

    Also can we stop comparing modern players to Gretzky? The game was so vastly different.

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