@New York Rangers

The NHL really needs to change this

In todays Pittsburgh Penguins vs New York Rangers game, Radim Zohorna bumped Jonathan Quick. His glove went flying into the corner and despite Quick, screaming at the officials that his glove is off, he didn’t get the whistle. The Penguins would capitalize, shooting glove side and score. Even as a Penguins fan though, it didn’t feel right.

I know currently, there’s only a rule for the helmet. Rule 9.6, but there is nothing for when a glove or blocker comes off. Play is to continue. In my opinion, this needs to change. I talk about it in todays NHL video!

#hockey #nhl #highlights #pittsburghpenguins #newyorkrangers


  1. You should be able to challenge for some type of goalie interference in my opinion after it goes in if the other team causes the glove to come off

  2. Looks like with a glove he’d have made the save! Probably need to blow the play dead to keep these tendies safe. Nice to see Quick playing well.

  3. One of the most intense games I’ve watched in a while.
    Goalies lit it up.
    Officating has been pretty terrible, not just NHL but all over sports.
    Either way, goal was clearly offsides.

  4. Safety should always be paramount for the players. Loss of a mask/helmet or either glove should blow the play dead. They’re afraid of goalies throwing equipment to stop plays? If a goalie is determined to have intentionally removed equipment (outside of the standard mask shake off for a strap issue, obviously) then the team will be issued a double minor for delay of game. With the dollar value a lot of these goalies have tagged to them, it seems ridiculous that play should continue when their safety is at risk.

  5. There is enough straps in the glove to keep it on (finger straps, hand strap and wrist strap). If they're coming off then the goalie is wearing it too loose. Case in point, there is a video with Ron Hextall struggling to get his glove off to fight Felix Potvin.

  6. YoU CaNt hIt PeOpLe Or FiGhT.

    Hey kids, you wanna see a goalie's hand shatter on live TV?


  7. How about doing up the straps a little tighter? And maybe use smaller equipment. I never once saw a goalie lose a glove back in the 70's.

  8. Much harder to put on a show of accidentally losing your mask than accidentally losing your glove. You lose it too bad, you can pay the price and make the save or be a coward.

  9. I agree Only If goalie equipment was knocked off by result of opponent player then play should be called dead.

  10. Quick deserved to retire on the Kings after winning 2 cups. Some teams never won a cup and Quick helped Kings get 2 cups, I guess Kings loss Rangers gain.

  11. I agree with everything you said about the goaltender equipment. It's such an easy fix and a no-brainer. Quick and Jarry played great last night in a highly entertaining game.

  12. its only a matter of time before a goalie shatters his hand making a stop like this. Such a backwards rule with zero safety in mind for the goalie.

  13. This is a tough issue. Safety should be the priority. As noted, the goalie's hand could shatter if they try to save a hard shot. But the chance of a goalie intentionally/ unintentionally losing equipment at the key part of the game is a potentially serious issue. You played a short clip of Binnington. I could totally see him doing that. I would say, if the Ref thinks it was intentional, I would say 5 mins major.

  14. How loose is the catching glove if it can easily be knocked off?

    Maybe the equipment needs upgrading before rules becoming softer and exploitable. Vague rules that can cause delay of games are detrimental to the game.

  15. J Quick still got. He is a 3 times Stanley Cup winner. He'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

  16. No. Goalies will throw their gloves off to prevent dangerous scoring chances.
    Once possession is turned over then a whistle can be sounded.
    If it was goaltending interference as stated, then that is reviewable play. With the goalie unable to set himself up safely, it could be called a no goal. But that’s on Toronto.

  17. I think it’s hilarious how many clowns there are that think goalies will just start throwing equipment everywhere if a rule is implemented to stop play if a goalies loses a glove or blocker.

  18. In the sabs game last night tom wilson clearly hits owen in the head on a hit and they dont call it and some how buff ends up on the pk

  19. agree it should be called dead but refs should also need to be discussing after every goalie equipment removal whether or not the goalie intentionally removed equipment. There are several goalies in the league that take advantage of these situations by intentionally knocking their helmets off.

  20. Those gloves have wrist straps in them, and if theyre used correctly they won't fall off your hand that easily…so I guess if you are to blow the play dead for "player saftey resons" when the opposing team is in control of the play then it should be an automatic Delay of Game penalty to the goalie for not securing his equipment properly.

  21. Quick should've been penalized for throwing his equipment. It's Delay of Game. Or just used the velcro like a goalie is supposed to. The refs should also be investigated for failing to protect a vulnerable player/goalie.

  22. No problem…it was a missed goalie interference call…it would have been reviewed later by officials…every Penguin should have taken the number of the guy who shot glove side…and made up the difference.

  23. Am I missing something? Rangers won 1-0. Pittsburgh did not score (I think that's what 0 means). The Penguins did not "capitalize". I guess it was reviewed/challenged and the goal was disallowed (perhaps for another reason such as offside).

  24. I feel that play should be stopped if the goalie loses a glove or helmet. I’d hate to be part of the officiating crew in the game when we see a goalie lose a whole damn hand from a slap shot going 88-100mph. All because a glove is missing and you don’t blow the play dead.

  25. Im a goalie and this has happened to me 😭 dont think they should blow the play down though. Helmet is different but i think its the same as losing your stick.

  26. The only argument against stopping play if the goaltender loses a glove is that they will do it on purpose to gain an advantage. The obvious counterpoint is that someone is already watching hatching a plan to be the next Sean Avery so they can snatch gloves off of goalies without getting caught. Either way, blow the play dead, review and penalize as necessary.

  27. The rule book is a lawyer's feast… it isn't for ordinary men like refs to interpret that crap. And with the speed of the game, they blow so many offsides calls it's questionable if they should even be refs. My solution from 9 years ago is still the best if you want to preserve the integrity of the rules… take 3 refs off the ice, keep one puck dropper on – he can even come off the ice between the benches during play. And the refs are placed outside the rink at strategic locations, with instant replay in hand, and they punch up the calls like judges on a boxing match. It will make a real noticeable difference in the flow of the game without the extra bodies interfering. The players need the extra space and they need the calls to be right.

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