@National Hockey League

Helmet denied

Helmet denied

by Instant-Highlights


  1. WestCoastCosta

    Wear it Flower. Fuck the rules. Franchise will pay the fine

  2. Freidhiem

    That helmet is so fucking good. NHL get your shit together.

  3. jackofwind

    Wear it, fuck the NHL’s stupid rules about this stuff.

  4. IsolationAutomation

    I hope he wears it anyway. Fuck Bettman.

  5. spartancheerleader10

    Take the fine. That’s a very nice mask.

    The nhl has to stop with this stupidity. It’s not a political statement to support people.

  6. BarnOwl10

    Just an aside here, Thats probably one of the best looking goalie helmets of all time wow

  7. Miracl3Work3r

    is this the NHL getting in the way of the NHL again? remember NO RAINBOW TAPE…wait aaa minute

  8. thundercat1996

    He’s already a hall of fame lock. Just say fuck it and the team will probably pay the fine for him

  9. WillNotBeSilenxed

    But why? Why should the NHL get a say over something that isn’t offensive?

  10. Tbloctothorpe88

    Why??? Cause its themed? But Native-American Heritage night isn’t even a controversial topic. FUCK Betman

  11. TheLoomingMoon

    I understand the league doesn’t want anyone to have any personality whatsoever because it might offend someones invisible god or some bullshit. So instead he should do a bettman support mask since bettman has clearly fucking lost the plot.

  12. _6siXty6_

    Oh FFS, Oilers have Chief and Elders speak Cree before games, Flames have Indigenous Heritage night, but he can’t wear this? Double standard.

  13. Writerhaha

    The mask is dope.

    Wear it and Pass the hat on the fine.

  14. useless_99

    Every time I think the people who run this league cannot possibly be even more fucking stupid than they already are, I’m proven wrong. Jesus Christ. We can justify selling ad space on the boards and having the ugliest jersey patches known to man all because of ‘sponsors’, but god forbid a player show his love for his family and community on his actual gear. Fucking hell. I’m so ashamed to like this sport sometimes, when the people in charge are this goddamn pathetic. No wonder the market isn’t fucking growing.

  15. DotAppropriate8152

    Gary Bettman has made this league into an absolute joke. He needs to step down!

  16. PaperweightCoaster

    The NHL really putting the L in NHL these days. Fuck em, put them in a position to fine you just like the pride tape. They won’t, the backlash would be immense.

  17. UncommonPizzazz

    Motherfuck the NHL.

    I forget which one of you genius commenters coined this slogan on an earlier post (I’d credit you if I knew), but this fucking sums it up:

    *“Best sport, worst league.”*

  18. Philhughes_85

    So they only want stuff like that to make money from.
    From the Wild website.

    “Fans will have the opportunity to bid on Native American Heritage themed Wild jersey’s signed by each individual player. In addition, a one-of-a-kind goalie mask made specifically for and autographed by Wild goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury, and designed by Cole Redhorse Taylor, a member of the Prairie Island Indian Community, will be up for auction.”

    So here’s a crazy idea….. Let him wear it then auction off a game worn, one-of-a-kind goalie mask.

  19. CraftierAverage

    He better sit them down and say either I get to wear this or fight someone next game your choice. God I hate the NHL sometimes (Most times but its a love hate relationship)

  20. Substantial-Emu3255

    Cover it with pride tape and paint “Bettman is a Lil B@!ch” on the back.

  21. orbitalaction

    This is some really dumb shit. I can’t understand how anyone could get upset about it. Are we just looking for stupid shit to do instead of everything that should be done in the league?

  22. marl3yman

    NHL threatened to fine the Wild organization on top of Fluery. I mean, every goalie helmet is themed and personalized. Wild should pay the fines and do it. Maybe it will light a spark under their ass.

  23. this_name_not_that

    Funny that the helmet would be 100% fine on other, non-themed nights….

  24. SilkyBowner

    Wear it. Take the fine.

    It would be a bigger statement as to why I it’s important

  25. Winter-Structure-730

    I would still wear it. And if I’m the minny owner I eat that fine with a smile on my face

  26. free_2_pee

    Crazy how a league filled with the toughest athletes on the planet is run by a group of pussies.

  27. RailroadingFreedom

    He should wear it and have the owner pay the fine. I guess Chicago will have a new logo in the coming years with this logic

  28. Emotional_Match8169

    This is selective enforcement. Bobrovsky has been wearing a purple helmet for the entire month of November for cancer. He will auction it off at the end of the month.

  29. suppaman19

    Wear it and dare the NHL to get dragged into public eyes for fining someone for paying homage to Native Americans when they allow goalies to wear custom paint jobs all the time.

    NHL isn’t often in mainstream news. If I was Flower, I’d directly tell Bettman I’m wearing it, and if you do anything, I’m going to mainstream media on the NHL being discriminatory. They don’t want that publicity.

  30. UncommonHouseSpider

    These guys should all just do it and keep their mouths shut about it. Is the NHL going to come down on them after the fact? Doubtful.

  31. DestroyedLibtard

    I can’t even see where it would be considered offensive, looks like something that is culturally appropriate with no appropriation. fuck the league, wear the helmet and donate the fine to Native Reserves that need clean drinking water

  32. SynthSapphire

    But homophobic players can deny wearing Pride tape for warm-ups under the guise of “religious beliefs”?

  33. Snatchphantom

    Let’s make something clear for those who keep bringing up pride night

    The NHL has had pride nights for over 10 years and while there have been people who don’t like it (as is their right), there has not been anything of significance and no issues

    THE MOMENT that some players said, I’ve had enough and I don’t want to wear this anymore because I don’t agree with it… became a huge issue.

    So you tell me who caused the real problem.

    The NHL didn’t ban it because some players didn’t want to wear it, they banned it because the moment some players said they didn’t want to, the vocal minority attacked the league and those individuals.

  34. StatikSquid

    Flower should just wear it. And also fuck Bettman

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