@National Hockey League

Jacob Trouba high-stick play shown in real time

Jacob Trouba high-stick play shown in real time

by Rangerfan0


  1. Wow in real-time it definitely looks unintentional. He’s clearly just getting his stick loose cause Frederic is illegally holding onto it. Reckless swing and a penalty would have been right but no way a suspension is warranted. These slo mo replays really alter the perception.

  2. gibson531

    People acting like Trouba literally pulled a Shorsey on JJ Franky JJ. Give your balls a tug, tit fuckers.

  3. thatguy752000

    Intentional or not how the fuck does a referee miss that right in front of his face?

  4. Eh looks like his arm was being held and he jerked it quickly to loosen but his stick was coming around high. He got a fine for it move on people.

  5. Aaronwilson71291

    I’m told I don’t even know hockey so I don’t get hit

  6. Either way you have to be in control of your stick. Knowing you’re holding your stick when you jerk to pull away and in doing so jack a fucking guy in the side of the head doesn’t make me think “oh stop it wasnt intentional”.

  7. uncorderdnole91

    I don’t like trouba but that doesn’t look on purpose from this angle tbh

  8. Traditional_Bee_6637

    I’ll admit in real time it doesn’t look quite as bad

    But I still think a suspension would be warranted.

  9. TacticalYeeter

    Malkin got 1 game for flailing with his stick and hitting someone in the head. Also got a game misconduct.

    I’m not sure what’s funnier, people screaming about this or all the Rangers fans trying desperately to make it seem like not a big deal.

  10. h8theh8ers

    You can’t swing your stick into another guy’s head, it’s your job to be in control of your stick. Whether or not he intentionally hit another guy in the head, he still jerked his arms and hit a dude with 2-handed swing in the head.

    That needs to be a suspension. But this league is a joke, so it’s not.

  11. emasslax22

    How incompetent is that ref? How does that not warrant discipline for that official?

  12. So the Boston player is holding his stick and then pushes his arm as he’s falling off balance . People around here made it seem like Trouba full on chopped his head off. Go figure…

  13. cam_huskers

    I was told Trouba two handed chopped directly into his skull and was looking to kill him on the ice.

  14. Agoldenroaming

    I really don’t understand why this is getting so much attention… people suck

  15. robbiejandro

    It looks a lot better in real time. Penalty + discipline still warranted nonetheless.

  16. dr_van_nostren

    I never saw any clip other than this. I read some outrage but hadn’t seen it.

    This is pretty innocuous. Yes he hits him in the head and that’s always dangerous. Deserves a fine. But he’s clearly just engaged in a battle and trying to get loose. Could he drop his stick? Sure. Could he drop a hand and shove the guy? Sure. He holds on and this is the result. Glad no one got hurt and as much as I’m not a Trouba fan I don’t think a suspension is warranted here.

  17. billyratz

    I’m an NYR fan so I know there is an inherent bias in this statement, but I’m convinced that if this was involving almost any player other than Trouba that it would be a non issue.

  18. eatsomewings

    The fact that Trouba is the new Wilson in this subreddit is kind of ridiculous. The dirty plays don’t hold a candle to Wilson and his bs

  19. The “either way you have to control your stick” comments are absurd. Nobody is saying it wasn’t a high stick. But people saying it was intentional and he’s basically playing Saw games on the ice are morons. You can’t say he failed to control his stick and also say it’s intentional.

  20. mildlysceptical22

    The ref blew the play dead before the high stick. Showing it at this angle shows how Trouba’s stick was being held and the high stick is the result up Trouba trying to wrench it out of Fredric’s hand. It’s nowhere near the McSorley assault on a defenseless player.

  21. ZiegenKaiser

    Tbh anyone who is mad at Trouba is not going to consider this context anyways. Trouba has done a few things (whether you deem them clean or not) that have ruffled enough feathers and this just seemed to be the most “damning thing on video” that the haters could rally behind.

  22. thenegativeone112

    This angle changes everything tho. The only other angle was slow mo and made it look like Trouba decapitated him lol.

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