@Los Angeles Kings

The LA Kings Are SURGING

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  1. Good video!!! Glad to see someone putting my kings in the spot light! Another underrated player not mentioned is Philip Danult consistent in scoring play making and face off percentage. I don’t know exact stats I just know the kings are a good face off team aswell.

  2. I feel like the kings need to be talked about more, we never get enough respect from around the league because we’re in California and we’re a west coast team, every network is obsessed with all eastern teams especially Canada and it’s annoying how they only cover those teams. One of these days my kings will be in the spotlight for years to come. Btw great video man! Keep up the great work man! If you cover more kings I’ll definitely be here more often!

  3. QB taking a big step in his development is huge, he's been a beast this year and it's great to see the "bust" tag disappear. Go Kings go.

  4. kinda of Funny that you said they only started making the playoffs in 2021, then you said how young you are, so understood how winning the 2 cups a decade ago is not familiar with you. time just flies, feels like yesterday to me. Anyway, been a Kings fan for 40 years, this team is as deep as I have seen, if the can get production in net come playoff time, they can go far, but as you said, with Talbot you have to see it to believe it

  5. 16! He was FIVE when we FINALLY won the Cup!

    Old. Soooooooo old. LMAO.

    Wish you had mentioned Mikey Anderson, our hidden star. There's more to the game than scoring.

  6. The goaltending hasn’t really been challenged besides the Vegas game, the kings have been really been good on defense not really allowing other teams to get near the goalie. They been really good on defense and offense has been explosive.

  7. East coast teams have always and still do get way more coverage than the west coast teams even when they have been serious Stanley Cup contenders.

  8. Strength of the Kings is their depth, their ability to consistently roll with four EFFECTIVE lines that eventually wears teams down. The stability in goal (Talbot AND Copely) always gives this hard working team a chance. A combination that will work great in a playoff series. Go Kings Go!!!

  9. Great take. LA has a solid mix of young and veteran players. They’d be this seasons sleeper team if I had to pick one. Western conference has been outstanding

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