@Boston Bruins

Hockey fans are absolutely furious right now

NHL fans are very mad at Jacob Trouba right now lol. My discussion of the incident from the New York Rangers vs Boston Bruins game.


  1. Bruins fan here that appreciates you channel and honesty. I watch a lot of your videos and have for over a year even if they don't involve the Bruins. I will say I do (on this occasion) think you are biased. Do I think it was as bad as the Marty Mcsorley Donald Brashear incident? Absolutely not. But given the difference in calls and suspensions in the past 23 years that was pretty bad regardless of the angle of whatever camera or 3x slowmo. If that had hit Frederic's off switch for whatever reason you wouldn't have even made this video 'defending' it. So was it dangerous regardless of intention or severity? Yes. Should it have been a suspension or a penalty? That isn't my decision and because no one was seemingly injured during an emotional game it is what it is. So basically take my view and comment and continue to grow your channel because at the end of the day it doesn't matter. But I do believe Trouba had intention even if it wasn't to hit him in the head. If you actually think different given how many games and replays you watch I think you are lying to yourself. Best of luck with your channels.

  2. Easy suspension. You can't pretend people can't accidental on purpose in that situation, or going forward now. Easy peasy suspension, has to be. Garbage play. Even if it's for recklessness, no opinion involved. Why would we judge intent here? He's lucky he didn't get him in a lucky or unlucky spot. If garbage happens recklessly, it's garbage all the same. 5 games for a Trouba. 2 for an innocent first timer that doesn't play recklessly much. 10 for a Marchand. Hockey players learn that lesson the hard way as many times as it takes by like 12 yo.

  3. Could be a game or two for recklessness. He was tanking his stick out of the guys hand but that went too far

  4. The official is TWO FEET AWAY. Yes the player is in the wrong and maybe it would be a game for player safety. The ref not giving a penalty for stick mismanagement is what I think most people are pissed about because it looks like a sub professional league.

  5. I'm a Rangers fan also, but I still think it warrants a suspension. It's like that time Malkin got suspended for recklessly swinging back with his stick and almost taking a player's head off. People were mad that he only got a single game back then. I don't think Trouba had bad intent here but it was super reckless and dangerous.

  6. He got the maximum fine allowed by the cba. I think the reason he didn't get suspended is he doesn't have a history of being a dirty player. The player that gambled on hockey it doesn't matter if he bet on nhl games or not he deserved to be suspended because gambling on hockey is as a player is not allowed by the cba if your a player

  7. Even if we agree that Trouba didn't have any bad intentions (and I DO agree with that) They should suspend Trouba, to discourage other players from swinging their stick like that in the future, and he should have gotten a penalty in the game as well, for the same reason.

    Obviously, a case where there was serious malice in the action (see: McSorley) the punishment should be much harsher. Like, just spit balling here, 20 games. But Trouba should have at least gotten 2 minutes for the high stick, AND a game suspension. The fact that he only got a $5k fine is an absolute joke.

  8. I fall in the camp of, did he intentionally hit him with his stick? No. Should he have been suspended for a game? Yes. But for sure the fact nothing was called on the ice with the official standing right behind the play is baffling, However LGR!

  9. Reminded me, WCH 1996 Canada vs Russia, when Shanahan made a chop to the Semak's face and he got high sticking penalty fot it. i know we came long way since then, but with Trouba you can say it was more reckless then intentful. You can say that about Shanahan.

  10. There was just no need for him to swing his stick like that. The fact that we don't see this kind of incidents proves that you can shake players off without moves like this. Deffo a suspension.

  11. For me the whole "did it cause an injury?" aspect of punishment makes no sense. With reckless actions like this it can come entirely down to luck as to whether the player on the receiving end gets hurt or not. If Trouba had put him in the hospital for doing the same thing, he's probably looking at getting at least a handful of games.
    We should be punishing the action and not just the outcome.
    He should've gotten at least a game or 2 for having no control of his stick as he swings it at head height.

  12. This is coming from someone who actively dislikes rangers. I think this is like one or two game suspension at most. I dont think he did it intentionaly but he is still responsible for his stick

  13. Looks like he was tied up and just wanted to get loose, but was frustrated on top of it. Penalty for sure, but iffy about the rest. Maybe 1-2 game suspension but even that doesn't seem fitting.

  14. Definitely a penalty, probably a fine too. Maybe a 1 game suspension just for the recklessness of it, but more than that would be shocking. Plus, it's Trouba. The guy walks and crosses the line with his hits all the time. He clearly isn't trying to assault the guy with his stick but you also can't hit someone in the head with your stick. At all. For any reason. Easiest call in hockey. Refs just need to hear it, they don't even fully see it happen and still get that call.

  15. Trouba is just a guy that does dirty shit on the regular and gets away with it because nhl player safety is a complete joke

  16. First off: The NHL really needs to figure their shit out.

    That being said, I doubt that Trouba had little to no control over his stick. I could definitely see it as the player hiding a chance to injure an opposing player. At the very least i feel like a reivew and hearing should be held for Trouba.

  17. Trouba shouldn’t of done that, but then again I have friends who hate Boston to the point they’ll say ‘they deserve everything that comes to them’😂

  18. My argument is intentions dont matter. Malkin was suspended for a similar play and he didnt even make contact. 90% of penalties on the ice are accidents. Ive seen people fall on their own and someone still gets called for tripping. The fact that the official saw that less than 10 feet away with no obstruction of view, and didnt call shit absolutely blows my mind. Sorry but this one feels bias because youre a rangers fan

  19. (Caps fan here) Kuzy didn't get one for pretty much axing another player earlier on in the season. This one doesn't deserve a suspension either. You need to stop slowing everything down…. That's when malice appears out of nowhere, slow motion makes impacts look much much worse.

    Go watch someone bouncing on a trampoline… Looks innocent enough. You slow mo it down the face becomes gaunt and stretched because of the g-forces. It's not like we're gonna tell kids to stop bouncing on trampolines.

    High sticks should be penalised suspended if it was malicious. I can't stand the rangers, but that wasn't malicious at all.

  20. Trouba has a consistent pattern of aiming to injure players while riding the edge of the rulebook. Even at normal speed, I fail to see how this isn't his latest attempt to do so, and cover for his defensive shortcomings. I'm not saying I want hits out of the game, I'm saying I think having someone whose obvious intent is to cause injuries is poor form, and will eventually lead to something horrifying happening unless it's stopped. A 41 game suspension would be a good starting point. #FuckTrouba

  21. Doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not imo. I think he deserves 2 games for that it was a reckless action and it put a players safety at risk and the nhl seems to not give a fuck about That apparently. Didn’t Malkin get 2 games for something similar? I could be wrong. And Wasn’t even a penalty called on a clear high stick anyway

  22. Two minute holding on Frederic. Two minute penalty on Trouba. The slash mitigated by Trouba trying to free himself from the grab.

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