@Anaheim Ducks

It’s been a rough few years. Unfortunately I am also a Chicago Bears fan.

It’s been a rough few years. Unfortunately I am also a Chicago Bears fan.

by JustAGuyNamedAJ


  1. Now if the Ducks were a team that’s constantly in perpetual rebuilds over the span of a decade then I would agreed but since this chart only dates back to 2019, it doesn’t necessarily account for the Sharks coming out of their compete window nor does it take into consideration the Red Wings and their need to enter into a rebuild from their 25 years of Roman Imperialism. In short, this chart is kind of flawed because you always have teams who are within their compete window while others like San Jose who are just entering their rebuild phase.

  2. xdoompatrolx

    Oh wow, I’m also a Ducks and Bears fan. I’m so so sorry for your life

  3. hamstersofd00m

    I’m a Ducks, Angels, and Broncos fan. At least the Lakers have a decent winning percen… *sees Clippers rank and cries*

  4. Redhood492

    Ducks my only bad team lol my rams,dodgers and lakers have been good

  5. Brynn_Seabolt

    Angels, Ducks, Raiders, and Bulls fan here. The Raiders are the only team that haven’t won a championship in my lifetime (1993-now). I just vaguely remember the Bulls being dominant. The Angels and Ducks each got their own championships in 2002 and 2007, respectively.

    What can I say, I’m a product of my childhood.

  6. adiabolicidiot

    Yoooooooooo! Ducks/Bears fan here too! Punts in sadness.

  7. lightningbolte

    Unfortunately I am also an Atlanta Falcons fan

  8. TeeMoneyTwoOhFour

    Ducks, Jags, and not listed but you can add Tottenham Hotspur lol. At least I am finally reaping the rewards for my loyalty from one of them.

  9. Guard226Duck

    Being a packers fan has been a lot of disappointment

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