@Vancouver Canucks

Boudreau a little grumpy on D&D today. It was hilarious. Touches on Kuzy and the Canucks start.

Boudreau a little grumpy on D&D today. It was hilarious. Touches on Kuzy and the Canucks start.

by CamaroGirl96


  1. CamaroGirl96

    If you listen to the entire show D&D discuss it a little bit as well in a later segment (on their app or podcast). Guess he’s not having a good Monday 😅

  2. He wasn’t too bad. Certainly not as bad as I thought Bruce would be based on the YouTube comments. He really only got miffed after the third Kuzmenko question he was asked, but he did seem a little lethargic on the line, I guess.

  3. SpinCity07

    Don was trying to get a headline and Bruce didn’t want one. I don’t see what the big deal was

  4. NerdPunch

    Im waiting for the day where Baby Face Bruce Boudreau does his heel turn.

    I want to see him hit Rick Tochett with a steel chair so badly.

  5. imderrickm

    I’d be grumpy too if I had to talk to Dhaliwal too 😂

  6. Quiet_and_hungry

    A little grumpy? Yes. But gosh those question were just soooo boring. “Are you surprised…?” “Are you surprised….?”
    I’m surprised they’re still on the air.

  7. He’s winning puck battles and shooting more although there are still times i wish he would shoot it and he looks for a fancy pass and I scream at my tv

  8. Not the best interview by D&D by any stretch but Bruce did not seem to be in a good mood at all.

    They’ve had him on multiples times and have always done a good interview prior to this one.

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