@New York Rangers

The Most Delusional Player In The League!?

They say playing in Toronto can change a man, somewhere along the way Ryan Reaves lost his way playing for the Maple Leafs!


  1. Reaves tough? Not even close. I'd like to see him up against guys from previous generations. Guys like Crowder, Twist, Grimson, and of course Probert. I never got to see those guys play, they were before my time, but thanks to my Dad and some awesome YouTube channels, I get it, they were animals! Even guys like Scott Stevens and Bryan Marchment would have chewed this delusion piece of garbage up and spat him out. Reaves is not even a "has been" he's a "never was"

  2. I've said this before, Wayne Simmons scored 30 goals in this league and is younger than Reaves. Toronto turned him into a goon. Same story repeating.

  3. Lowry, Xhekai, Wilson, etc. There are plenty of real tough hockey players that consider Side-show Reaves and his traveling suitcase to be nothing more than a gnat to swat.

  4. Ryan Reaves is at his PEAK a 4th line player who you slot in when you have injuries and you want someone on the ice to keep opposing teams from running at your younger developing talent. At his peak.
    He hasnt been at his peak since 2018. Hes a relic of a bygone concept in hockey….. The Goon. And hes not a very good one at that, since he wont stand up for his teammates.

  5. Who are you to speak about him. Little hypocritical, don't ya think. You talk about Reaves chirping, and is a nobody. That nobody plays in the NHL. More than you or I have done, just saying. #Hypocritical

  6. He has the size to be a monster, but he's to polite. These guys are friends first then players second, so they can ask you Wana go you Wana go an if they say no it's ok he doesn't want it I won…like no if this was probert he would jump a star or smack a goalie an take a fine or 2 game suspension, an I guarantee that team won't take them for granted again. Dudes are to scared to lose some money when they making millions

  7. It always drove me nuts when people would claim that Colton Orr was not good enough of a player but yet apparently Ryan Reaves was lol.

    Sure Colton Orr wasn't scoring goals every game but he was a average skater that could throw crushing hits and was way tougher then Reaves ever was.

  8. He has not lost his way. The Leafs won’t let him on the ice. Why don’t you fight him then? You act all big, and tough on your computer. Get a job.

  9. He scored 15 points in less than 70 games last year and is easily top 3 if not the toughest in the league. And obviously you dont know your history, Reaves played in the west for years when perry played with Anaheim. You come off as a bit of an idiot

  10. idk i liked him tons in Pittsburgh . He kept our stars safe from the usual dirty hits. He does put the puck in the net once in awhile. He is always a threat to drop somebody like he did Wilson a couple of yrs. back. To say he cant fight is kinda ridiculous, he is an enormous human being ive seen him up close. Thats why nobody f s around with him. The city of Pittsburgh misses u Ryan

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