@New York Rangers

NYR Commercials

Stumbled across these on Youtube today and thought I’d share them here. These commercials are so bad they’re amazing. This was a great squad on and off the ice.


The old Bobby Granger commercials were pretty good too, if you remember those.


[NYR Commercials](

by riffy61


  1. I loved the Rangerstown commercials. Who wants smoothies?

  2. Definitely don’t mean to thread jack here, but if anyone remembers this one:


    It was filmed at MSG and the father of a friend of mine was the producer of the commercial. He invited me along since he knew how big of a fan I was and I got to meet both of them. They signed a practice puck for me that I still have sitting on my desk in a case.

  3. msmith0429

    Anyone remember the Adam Graves Bay Ridge Honda commercials from back in the day?

  4. Unlikely_Good7733

    Thanks for posting! Fun stuff! I didn’t remember there being that many Rangerstown commercials.

    Was never a fan of the Bobby Granger commercials. Only positive was that they aired around the time we were finally getting out of the dark ages (98 through 04). I remember a few Bobby Granger commercials celebrating the fact we were finally back in the playoffs.

  5. doctorvirus

    The old school commercials are so much better. The new fan based commercials are so cringe worthy.

  6. NYSTLSportsFan

    Man, what a blast of nostalgia! Fond memories of these ads

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