@Ottawa Senators

Josh Norris, Thomas Chabot and D.J. smith Postgame Availability vs CBJ

Hear from head coach D.J. Smith, forward Josh Norris and defenceman Thomas Chabot following tonight’s game against the Columbus Blue Jackets at Nationwide Arena.

0:00 D.J. Smith
1:32 Josh Norris
2:34 Thomas Chabot


  1. DJ Resigns….or will it be DJ Re-signs? I choice the former.
    DJ's gotta go. Sooner the better. But if the owner wants to be cheap, that's on him.
    It is so obvious that DJ's track record is bad! And getting worse…and now at Full Salary Cap.

  2. Experience best in class coach's message and best in class on ice performance. Accountability through and through in this franchise. Pointing the finger directly at Andlauer from now on. Those are his words and no one is living up to it.

  3. Why do they pass so much on the power play – I think they should shoot. This excessive passing runs down the clock with no goals. It’s easy to see – this style of play does not work.

  4. Fire the coaching staff. Enough is enough. They are playing like poodles. Gone are the days of the Pesky Sens. Welcome to the era of the Poodles Sens.

  5. 1:00 What a joke. “Sometimes that’s just the way it goes.”

    I’ve said it before, and I’m gonna keep saying it every time they use that excuse…

    Saying, “It didn’t go our way.”, or, “We didn’t get the bounces.”, means you believe the games are decided by fluke and chance, and it’s completely out of your control. Like the hockey gods have already decided if you win or lose before you even step on the ice.

    It means you DONT believe that hard work and structure can win you a hockey game. Such a fricken loser attitude. And I’m DONE with hearing it. So is everyone else.

    Stfu, DJ. The team is AWFUL. And there’s no one to blame but you, your staff, and your players. Stopping blaming “bounces” and stuff like that.

  6. Norris out here saying we did good shutting down their PK. Again the moral victories. We didnt win shit. Own up to it already. Jesus fucking christ…

  7. No excuse for this.DJ for f**K shakes Replace some of your assistants coaches, enough of the we did this right and BS what you think you did right does not count, it is f**kin winning games that count.

  8. I love when they have guys in front of the net and they have the puck at the point and instead of shooting they either try some fancy shit or they just put in back into the corner

  9. Im done with this team for the season, I'm not wasting my time watching any more games, because that is what it is a waste of time. We fans could be doing other shit but no we watch this team year after year make the same mistakes over and over again.. The problems extend past DJ , the team is not even built well, you have players that are playing their offside , You have no good two hundred foot players, forwards can't defend worth a damn and the attitudes of players " oh we did good things" fuck off with that shit already. DJ doesnt even look like he gives a shit anymore.. Brady talking about "you dont turn your back on the team" how about you do not turn your back on the fans who pay good money for you bums to make millions of dollars. I wish I made millions of dollars to do shit work.

  10. coach doesn't show any emotion on the bench at all.. 4 straight goals against, not one timeout? probably 3 times where a timeout would've been in order. they need to wake up this is getting ridiculous. need a coach that will light a fire under these guys asses.
    this guy puts more effort into chewing gum than coaching

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