@New York Islanders

At least our thirds have some creativity.

At least our thirds have some creativity.

by PickedOffBySauce


  1. nothing_but_static

    I’m really in the minority when I say I don’t like our plain NY thirds and would actually prefer something Fisherman inspired.

  2. Isernogwattesnacken

    My eyes… Please don’t post that here.

  3. PlasticDesign3276

    Fuck the evil Rags, bunch of poser bitches

  4. AJS76reddit

    For a second there I thought this post might be able to stadium series jerseys…

  5. starscream568

    I dunno, our thirds are pretty uninspired and boring too. Not a fan of either.

  6. fWARWhatIsItGoodFor

    Might lose my Isles fan card for this, but hard disagree. Loooooove these, some of the best jerseys in the league hands down. No, not super creative, not RR Panthers or RR Lightning, sure, but these are CLEAN

    (LGI I promise)

  7. You know how fucking funny this is gonna look on most of their fan base? Look at the size of that emblem! I’m all for this one gang.

  8. YoBoiNoahfromChiraq

    This is my least favorite logo in all of sports. With our logo and colors it’d still be mid at best. I love the Navy Isles jerseys to. I hate these with a passion. At least lady liberty’s make me feel

  9. gilbertusalbaans

    Sleeves look like a pile of dish rags.. fitting for this team

  10. seamohr33

    I’d rather have a boring looking jersey and play winning hockey

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