@New York Rangers

Are You Smarter Than An NFL Quarterback? | PTFO

A fierce debate — about no less than the meaning of intelligence itself — has broken out in the world of football scouting, as star quarterback C.J. Stroud puts together one of the best rookie QB seasons ever… after bombing the new Wonderlic test. But can this S2 Cognition exam actually predict how your brain impacts athletic performance? Pablo puts himself to the ultimate test of mental agility, with a little help from Alex Smith — and with a LOT of expletives.


  1. I think caring is the most important factor. Caring about reading defenses and not about tracking shapes might impact it just like reading comprehension about the history of drive-in theaters will vary from some topic you actually care about.

  2. How are you defining intelligence, Pablo? The study of intelligence includes varied theories. Test construction has a shaky history in terms of reliability, validity, social/cultural relevance, intersection with disability. Very interesting episode.

  3. This dude came out hot and confident until questions came and now it’s about military and policing??? Then wtf are we even doing this test for. IT’S JUST FOOTBALL. This is a sales pitch gone wrong lol.

  4. Of course the Wonderlic isn't about actually knowing things. It's about getting data and recognizing patterns and coming up with the right answer. The question about various doctors might stump someone who is thinking about medical credentials or education. The far simpler answer is, "starts with an O," and you have the solution. There is no mystery to this. The military tests for it, as do many other organizations. I always think of it as "The Amazing Race Test." If you get a clue as to what to do, you can overthink it and be wrong. Some do (I probably would). Others somehow see the simplicity of the right answer. That seems to be the point of the Wonderlic. Whether results from these tests actually provide useful data varies, as do people, tests and test situations. The REAL problem is there are far too many people today who believe data and metrics always provide the best and only answer.

  5. There is no reliable way to quantify general intelligence as related to success at any given skill set. In fact there's not really a way to quantify general intelligence in any way. You can find out who had better educational opportunities and who can retain and recall certain facts, theries or thereom but not actual intelligence. The NFL might as well use Phrenology to predict these things because it's just as racist and stupid.

  6. I think you have something special with this podcast. The editing and production is very good. Definitely dig the cartoonish cut scenes lol. But the content is also very good. The research and study on the topics make them very interesting when you start parse through them with the guests. Keep it going! 🔥 content!

  7. The s2 test guy is so full of shit. He says multiple times how players that out perform their test scores are “succeeding despite their limitations”.

    Because players did bad on your pseudoscientific,marketing gimmick test they are now intellectually limited?

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