@National Hockey League

They’re back!!!

They’re back!!!

by glipglop8707


  1. So they’re going to look incredible dangerous, make a push, but ultimately be unsuccessful in their goals?

  2. MNGopherfan

    So they are finally able to cover up the poor team defense and goal tending so they can get exposed later?

  3. johannesBrost1337

    I’ll make my obligatory “See you in round 1” post here 😁

  4. sufferfest3163

    Yep, McDavid is healthy again but like always, it won’t be enough..

  5. MyNamesNotCal

    It’s more like McDavid is back. 16 points over his last 5 games during their current win streak. He’s a beast.

  6. Abolton12

    They were just giving the Canucks a head start to destroy the fan base even harder later on…

  7. AVgreencup

    The rest of the bottom feeders are keeping pace though, gonna be tough to make up ground. No room for bad divisional losses

  8. Brooooooo

    Campbell had a super hot November 2 years ago and he’s now making bank.

    Skinner is having a hot hot hot December. Holland better sign him quick!

  9. Hawaiian_Brian

    Lol thought this was be a post about the sharks

  10. onlysmallcats

    Continuing my hobby of making wildly inaccurate predictions by extrapolating very limited data, if the trend of the Oilers last two games continues, they will beat the Avalanche 186-1 in their final game of the season. Follow me for more ridiculous stats to support your terrible gambling decisions.

  11. HeroProtagonist4

    The big scary shark should be about 3 miles back of the fish right now. He might get them, but not for a while.

  12. stephenlipic

    Edmonton probably still won’t make the playoffs.

    They need to overtake the Coyotes and Blues.

    It isn’t about them putting together a win streak, they didn’t make up a single point because the Coyotes also won every game over than span.

    Making up ground is incredibly hard nowadays.

  13. No_Cycle5101

    Whatever. the oilers still aren’t a championship team smoke and mirrors

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