@Detroit Red Wings

Patrick Kane, David Perron, Derek Lalonde Post Game Comments – Dec. 7, 2023

Patrick Kane, David Perron, and Derek Lalonde speak with the media following Thursday night’s game against the San Jose Sharks at Little Caesars Arena.


  1. Kane looks fuckin great lol.
    You can tell how fast he thinks and sess the game. He passes to Ras in the middle where he would be going but because Ras is basically a lazy 4th liner he couldnt catch it lol

  2. IT SHOULDNT TAKE 4-5-6 goals to try to win a hockey game AND THEN YOU LET THE OPPONENT COME BACK AT YOU AND TIE IT OR BE DOWN BY 1 SO IT MAY ALSO BE DEFENSE ,BECAUSE THIS BS. AND LALONDE IS SITTING THERE SAY HUSSO WAS ACTUALLY OUR BEST PLAYER FOR 40 minutes 🤣🤣🤣explain to me how,with giving up a 4-0 lead,3 shorthanded goals and what 3-4 breakaways 😡

  3. I agree when he says they played casual hockey and no urgency at all. Zero. Took a bad team for granted and it cost them the game. Husso should’ve been pulled after the 4th goal for a confidence boost. Absolutely no urgency whatsoever. I don’t trust any type of lead from this team after tonight. We also suck in OT. Hopefully this game is a wake up call to start playing a full 60mins.

  4. Husso is the worst (and probably the only) bad move Stevie has made. Understand shorthanded and 2 on 0 goals but good goalies make saves on one or even two of those. Shoot, how good does Lyon look compared to Husso, and Lyon is a league average goalie! On a positive note, Kaner is gonna be a stud still.

  5. Despicable. Score 4 goals give up 4 goals in under 20 minutes. 2 short handed. In my 26 years as Red Wings fan I’ve never been so disappointed. This was such a manageable winnable game. And we shot ourselves in all ten toes. No urgency. Lackluster effort, poor performance and an overall disrespect to the franchise.

  6. Brutal game defensively but anybody who wants to jump off the wagon at this point in the season is free to do it

  7. Husso should put a patch of a clothespin on his jersey for how much we hang his ass out to dry. Two-on-none over and over and over. Just an infuriating game to watch.

  8. the team was a horrific mess tonight but Kane and his line were great all night (except for those pathetic power play disasters – hint: let PK bring it up). he apparently did not lie to the Wings or their fans, he really looked better than last year and maybe better than the year before even. just snakebit. Yzerman and Lalonde have to be as shocked and thrilled about him as they are disgusted by the rest of the team tonight.

    my advice to Lalonde – have Kane bring it up on the power play if possible, will avoid many messes. put him out there w the opponent net empty, he will if he touches the puck get you that goal one way or another. and do not let a 3 on 3 OT go by wo him and Cat playing. they are the best duo I've ever seen 3 on 3 just about, again if they ever get possession 3 on 3, they win 9/10.

  9. Imma be honest, this was a horrible game by the Wings but nights like this "Kanes Debut" "Worst Team in the league" it's really easy for the guys to get caught into the emotions and fall flat

    Regardless, Kane looked amazing tonight and this was his 1st game back in 7 months. This team needs to clean up defensively (call up Simon) and we will be rolling!

  10. I don’t want to hear about how Husso was excellent. Shame on the defense for giving up all of those odd man rushes, but holy cow man, Husso needs to stop at least one of those.

  11. Husso and Reimer both need to go. Although the Wings' defense is lackluster and amateurish at best, I don't think Husso or Reimer are reliable enough down the stretch. This game was disgusting the way the Wings blew a 3-4 goal lead. Reimer and Husso need to go, and Cosa should be brought up and alternate with Lyon. Also Pelikka and Edvinsson should come up and take your pick on which 2 defensemen should be sent down to the minors or placed as subs. As I've said, I don't think Lalonde is the kind of coach to carry the Wings to a successful playoff run. And no, Lalonde is wrong about Husso. Husso was not excellent as Lalonde says. Husso is not as reliable as Lyon. Scottie Bowman would not be happy seeing this kind of coaching and play from the Wings, at least since after the Boston game. Wings got lucky and beat the Canadiens and Sabres, but should have lost those games, especially because of their defense. Lyon almost lost it with the Wings' defensemen after the 3rd goal against him. Objective for Yzerman, if he'd like any success at this point in the season, would be to bring up Cosa, Edvinsson, and Pelikka, and do what you want with Husso, Reimer, 2 current defensemen, and Lalonde (as head coach). There's no excuse for Lalonde to have kept Husso in this game after 4 straight goals against him by the Sharks. Although she Wings' defensemen are not consistently professional in their playing, Husso doesn't play as reliably as he used to. I say take a chance with Cosa from the minors, and see how he does..Wings can not make the playoffs this year playing like that and having the coaching staff allow that kind of amateurish playing.

  12. This was bullshit. I know Husso hasn’t played his best. But he kept us in the game early on. Our defense, his guys in front of him, hung his ass out to dry. Having said that, maybe he should’ve been pulled after the 3rd goal. It would’ve sent a message to the rest of the team and considering his save percentage, it would be justifiable. These guys have to wake up. We play a hungry Ottawa team next. This was a very winnable game. In the days of Scotty Bowman, there would be consequences for a game like this. Like a defenseman being benched and someone who’s hungry would be called up. When you’re up 4-0 you should be more than capable to hold on to a lead like that. Hell, we even went up 5-4 and still lost the lead with a minute in half left against the Sharks. Well, we play a better team next. We better play a hell of a lot better..from everyone.

  13. Summed up pretty well, took a bottom feeder for granted and it showed. 0 effort, lost too many puck battles, and were extremely fortunate to come out of the 1st period tied. 2nd period Kostin and the 4th line had good energy to get the team into it and it resulted in a goal and then 3 quick goals after. Then to let a 2 on 1, breakaway and another 2 on 1 at the end of the same penalty is so sloppy. 3rd period again couldn’t close out a lead in the 3rd. They’ve been playing very solid as of late, but just took the night off and it showed.

  14. Reading these comments really show how low of a hockey IQ most people have. 1.) Husso should’ve realistically saved only one of those goals (Hertl’s first.) 2.) Pulling him would’ve done nothing but ruin his confidence more. Typically you don’t pull the goalie in close games. Only when you’re down by three or four to get your team going. Just shows you have confidence in him to get the job done.

  15. Once they got a 4-0 lead they totally went to sleep. Seven giveaways is ridiculous…and unfortunately with Husso in net there's virtually zero chance of ever getting a timely save…wow that guy sucks. .886 and a 3.65 GAA. Detroit gives up more goals when Ville Husso is in net.

  16. The Sharks have looked great recently, not a bad team or a one game fluke. It looks like they might have all their pieces in place finally, took 2 months to get there but that probably happens when a team rebuilds. It was the Wings mistake if they thought otherwise or if they were not thinking they are just as dangerous as any other team in the league right now.

  17. C'mon. The team let the Sharks have way too many breakaways against Husso. What is he supposed to do with a 2 on 0? Then let it happen again and again? On the freaking power play? This was not Husso's loss, the team decided to mail it in and got the result they worked for. No defense against the worst team in the league is still a team with NHL players that can put pucks in nets.

  18. Coach Lalonde should polish his head so that way when the lights of the arena reflect off of it the sheen from the brightness would get into the opposing teams eyes and then we could win more games lol

  19. the narrative we lead 4-0 and then blow it without question needs to end for sure, glad we got a point of a game we probably didnt deserve

  20. really wish Lalonde would start pulling the goalie and putting the back up in. I was really hopefully for Husso and hope he can find his game again. This was a brutal loss.

  21. How many times is newsy going to say the same problems and then they don't get fixed? Husso should have stopped goals 1 and 4 undoubtedly, I hope he's not in net again for a while. Awful play by defense, too many odd man rushes, and we just didn't care the entire game. We completely deserved this L.

  22. Ya'll need to pass around a mic during theses interviews, viewers can only guess what the question is during these interviews.

  23. i think a result like this is really going to resonate with this group and they'll be even better after this. you need to have these humbling moments and get brought back down to earth, definitely doesn't feel good.

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