@Edmonton Oilers

We Are Witnessing NHL History

#nhl #hockey #vancouvercanucks

Everything that happened in the NHL for week 9.

Music brought to you by blaowry
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  1. Enough with the clickbait headlines. How many times a week do you need to tell us "THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE," or "WOW… SO THAT JUST HAPPENED?"

  2. The Oilers are playing with purpose and they are playing as a team. They faced adversity early on; they’ve showed a lot of character. Get the popcorn out…. This is just the start !

  3. Love all these YouTube armchair quarterbacks eating crow after shitting on all the teams that underperformed in the first two months of the season. Good thing they don’t hand out the cup after 20 games 😂

  4. Just what the NHL needs, a team doing well off the garbage neutral zone trap.

    Good thing is, this team's performance, is unsustainable, and the wheels will come off later in the season.

  5. Maaaaaaan I hope Ovi is just dealing with some injuries he can recover from and turns it around. It's hard seeing any other player even having a sniff of Gretzky's record.

  6. I love hockey but hockey has a serious respect problem. Always has. Hockey players are straight up the least respectful athletes of any of the major sports. Even soccer players as cringy as they are with their rolling and diving, don't stoop to the straight up levels of cheap shot violence that hockey players do.
    And it's Canadian youth hockey culture, bad parenting and bad coaches that are to blame. Players from other countries basically have to adapt to that mindset when they come to play in north America.
    In Canada it seems to be taught right away that your opponent is your enemy and you should really hate them. By the time they're in Junior nobody ever really punished them for all the little slashes and cross checks etc. So it's just internalized as normal. No parents ever took them out and said you'll never play again unless you cut that shit out. Coaches encourage it.

    Every other sport, a guy goes down, and the OPPONENTS help them up or check on them. Remember when Lowrey and the Raptors had to give Toronto fans shit for celebrating Durrant's injury in the finals? Yeah…hockey mentality there. NBA guys don't get why people would ever do that. They view their opponents as in the same boat as they are and they respect them. Even in the NFL, which is a far more violent sport than hockey, they help their opponents up off the ground and they're taught a mutual respect from a young age. That's why it was SO shocking to see Kuzmenko check on that goalie after he kneed him in the head after scoring that goal. NHL fans patted themselves on the back and said "look at the respect there" but it only got so much media attention in hockey circles BECAUSE it NEVER happens. In ANY other sport that would just be NORMAL behavior.

    Listen to NHL mic'd ups and it's a constant insult fest with guys calling other guys pieces of shit and on and on. It's not like trash talk in the NBA which is done with humor. It's legit hatred comments. The NHL and hockey culture in general has had a constant history of this and it's basically why NHL players really don't give a shit about each other and the Players Association never advocates for much more severe punishments for things like head shots which are still penalized pathetically.

    We're going to keep seeing terrible incidents in hockey until the entire culture from youth to NHL decides to actually change.

  7. people are stilllll considering davo the best player on the planet with zero debate? that shiz is absolutely insulting to a big dog like nikita kucherov who has never fallen off since his rise.. cats got 11 more points than davo in the same amount of games on an equally as bad team if not worse than the oilers without vasilevskiy.. it's more than fair to say davo is simply not on kuch's level 'this year' at minimum. i personally think davo has simply lost the grind in him and he's truly done being the undebated best player. at absolute minimum kuch is a wildly more valuable player than davo here in 2023 and that shit ain't objectively debatable frfr ong

  8. As a Buffalo fan it is crazy to me that a team with so much talent (Tage Thompson, Alex Tuch, Zach Benson, Devon Levi, Rasmus Dhalin etc.) is still a losing team. What's even crazier is that they rallied to beat the rags and the B's. But then proceeded to lose to the Habs and the Red Wings. Absolutely frustrating.

  9. Canucks seemingl never got mentioned here other than the brothers bowl. They seem to be the sleeping giants that are overlooked and not mentioned often (as this video proved as they are in 4th place league wide and tied with NY who are "sitting comfortably at the top". I personally would slap some bets on them making some noise at the dance (further than the Leafs have in the last 10 years lol

  10. very disappointing to see Ovi's apparent decline. he's been so consistent for so long. to see this happen so suddenly has been shocking.

  11. Hey! My boyz get a mention! Go Flyers. I am still cautious of dedicating my time to them. I haven't been to a game in the past 6 years, but I might bring my son's (8 & 11) now that the love sports and they don't know the Flyers as I did back in the early 2000's

  12. NHL teams really depends on how their family is doing. Stress player might cause a team to lose. Not only the player, but the coaches and staff. They're all great players.

  13. Lol glad to see people other than us sharks fans have jumped on the sharks are going to win the Stanley cup meme

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